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IAC Activity Map
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IAC Activity Map
Implementation Grant Funding Opportunity Open
IMPORTANT: The grant program operates on a rolling basis and applications may be submitted at any time, with quarterly reviews.
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Implementation Grant Funding Opportunity Open
Qualifying* small and medium-sized US manufacturers, that received IAC or Combined Heat and Power Technical Assistance Partnership assessments between 2018 and 2024, can now apply for grants for implementation of assessment recommendations up 50% of qualifying* project costs with a maximum of $300,000 per manufacturer.
IMPORTANT: The grant program now operates on a rolling basis and applications may be submitted at any time through the year, with quarterly reviews.
*See Full Grant Solicitation for full qualification and selection details.
The IAC Activity Map breaks down activity by area and state for the selected criteria.
NAICS 3364 Aerospace Product and Parts Manufacturing
IAC Activity Map

Note: Matching assessments must represent 5 or more separate locations to generate a map.

State Assessments Asmts Recommendations Recc Recommended Savings Implemented Recommendations Imped Implemented Savings Implementation Rate Imp Rate
AK 1 5 $116,663 - - -
AL 4 28 $304,569 5 $71,292 17.9%
AR 4 23 $247,332 18 $228,763 78.3%
AZ 8 50 $459,753 26 $204,482 66.7%
CA 25 182 $9,733,128 80 $2,972,173 49.1%
CO 4 21 $131,160 16 $115,950 76.2%
CT 12 81 $886,905 40 $310,621 58.0%
DE 5 42 $609,051 20 $351,900 47.6%
FL 28 227 $4,573,967 118 $1,665,273 58.1%
GA 7 51 $1,732,979 16 $132,955 43.2%
ID 4 27 $244,471 5 $18,052 55.6%
IL 5 34 $277,537 14 $157,790 41.2%
IN 2 16 $58,091 4 $5,989 25.0%
KS 25 222 $1,757,133 97 $738,092 45.5%
MA 1 6 $92,646 2 $3,462 33.3%
MD 1 9 $36,204 6 $29,316 66.7%
ME 2 12 $224,598 4 $63,835 33.3%
MI 1 5 $42,169 3 $40,696 60.0%
MO 1 4 $26,412 3 $23,445 75.0%
MS 3 17 $587,711 6 $167,516 42.9%
NC 3 20 $591,225 8 $237,889 40.0%
NE 2 15 $369,212 9 $56,399 60.0%
NJ 2 18 $102,363 13 $91,920 72.2%
NM 3 17 $1,419,287 2 $2,140 11.8%
NY 7 53 $223,366 23 $129,121 60.5%
OH 7 72 $1,900,436 22 $1,150,347 41.5%
OK 16 122 $1,658,333 40 $275,530 34.2%
OR 1 3 $29,380 2 $28,700 66.7%
PA 5 51 $319,734 13 $88,246 46.4%
TN 1 4 $90,144 2 $13,740 50.0%
TX 16 102 $1,676,430 57 $898,360 67.1%
UT 11 72 $1,115,951 25 $226,096 52.1%
VA 3 20 $387,944 4 $41,599 26.7%
VT 1 8 $87,459 3 $17,646 37.5%
WA 14 68 $2,441,942 34 $830,085 53.1%
WI 2 11 $32,976 6 $25,184 54.5%
WV 4 34 $318,764 17 $102,664 56.7%