Industrial Assessment Centers
University of Delaware IAC
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University of Delaware IAC
Center Established 2007
University of Delaware
Director Keith Goossen
IAC logo
University of Delaware
Implementation Grant Funding Opportunity Open
IMPORTANT: The grant program operates on a rolling basis and applications may be submitted at any time, with quarterly reviews.
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Implementation Grant Funding Opportunity Open
Qualifying* small and medium-sized US manufacturers, that received IAC or Combined Heat and Power Technical Assistance Partnership assessments between 2018 and 2024, can now apply for grants for implementation of assessment recommendations up 50% of qualifying* project costs with a maximum of $300,000 per manufacturer.
IMPORTANT: The grant program now operates on a rolling basis and applications may be submitted at any time through the year, with quarterly reviews.
*See Full Grant Solicitation for full qualification and selection details.
IAC Center of the Year: 2012

The University of Delaware Industrial Assessment Center (DL-IAC) provides free energy, productivity, and waste assessments to small and medium-sized industrial facilities through funding provided by the US Department of Energy.

254 Assessments
2,110 Recommendations
4.77 Tbtu Energy Saving*
$47.04 million Cost Savings*
121 Students Trained
*Recommended Savings
Contact Center Website
Energy Engineering related programs, degrees, etc:
Generic IAC Assessment Activity
Generic IAC Assessment Activity
Generic IAC Assessment Activity
Related Papers & Publications
Wolfe, D. and Goossen, K.W., " Active Modulated Reflectance Roofing System to Tailor Building Solar Loads for Increased HVAC Efficiency, ASME 2014 8th International Conference on Energy Sustainability, ES-FuelCell 2014-6386, | DL-IAC
Wolfe, D. and Goossen, K.W., " Optimized Optical Structures for Active Modulated Reflectance Roofing System,, American Solar Energy Society Solar 2014, | DL-IAC
E. Gomez-Luna, G. Aponte, J. Pleite, C. Duarte, K. Goossen, " Non-Intrusive Monitoring of Power Transformers based on Transient Signals Analysis using Wavelet Transform, 2013 International Conference on Power Systems Transients, | DL-IAC
Noteworthy Feedback
"We greatly appreciate the time you and your team spent at both of our facilities, it was a great experience, and I learned a lot!"
- Source: Eric Hutchinson, Purchasing Manager, Allan Myers, 01/22/2025
"You have an excellent group of students, and I appreciate their effort."
- Source: John Hillard, Corporate EHS Director, Lindsey Precast, 02/05/2025
"The savings you uncovered are significant and the entire process helped to show our staff how helpful a fresh perspective can be. Keep up the good work."
- Source: Paul Baker, President, Trap Rock Industries, 12/17/2024
Assessment - Case Studies
DL | Assessment: DL0071
Assessment Overview: Thermoplastics Manufacturer
Related Papers & Publications
2 Papers / Publications
Wolfe, D. and Goossen, K.W., " Active Modulated Reflectance Roofing System to Tailor Building Solar Loads for Increased HVAC Efficiency, ASME 2014 8th International Conference on Energy Sustainability, ES-FuelCell 2014-6386, | DL-IAC
Wolfe, D. and Goossen, K.W., " Optimized Optical Structures for Active Modulated Reflectance Roofing System,, American Solar Energy Society Solar 2014, | DL-IAC
1 Papers / Publications
E. Gomez-Luna, G. Aponte, J. Pleite, C. Duarte, K. Goossen, " Non-Intrusive Monitoring of Power Transformers based on Transient Signals Analysis using Wavelet Transform, 2013 International Conference on Power Systems Transients, | DL-IAC
1 Papers / Publications
Duarte, C.; Delmar, P. ; Goossen, K.W. ; Barner, K. ; Gomez-Luna, E., " Non-intrusive load monitoring based on switching voltage transients and wavelet transforms,, Future of Instrumentation International Workshop (FIIW), | DL-IAC
1 Papers / Publications
Goossen, K. and Wetzel, A, " Application of Radiant Barriers to Reduce Heat Loss in Process Equipment, SAE Technical Paper 2011-01-0322, | DL-IAC
Noteworthy Feedback
"We greatly appreciate the time you and your team spent at both of our facilities, it was a great experience, and I learned a lot!"
- Source: Eric Hutchinson, Purchasing Manager, Allan Myers, 01/22/2025
"You have an excellent group of students, and I appreciate their effort."
- Source: John Hillard, Corporate EHS Director, Lindsey Precast, 02/05/2025
"The savings you uncovered are significant and the entire process helped to show our staff how helpful a fresh perspective can be. Keep up the good work."
- Source: Paul Baker, President, Trap Rock Industries, 12/17/2024
"Hi Keith, thanks for the support in completing our energy assessment today. I appreciate all the work your team of students and yourself did to identify energy savings at our site."
- Source: Chuck Miller, Plant Manager, Quantum Polymers, 10/11/2024
"Thank you Keith and your team for the energy assessment you conducted at our 21 Commerce Street facility. We greatly appreciate your work."
- Source: Jane Koetitz, CFO, Wonder Meats, 10/29/2024
"Thanks Keith. We really appreciate your efforts. One of those chillers has been a lemon since new. The one on the east side. If that’s the one showing the higher consumption then that may be taken care of once we get the latest problem with it fixed."
- Source: Dan Huthwaite, Plant Manager, Collins Aerospace, 08/13/2024
"Good morning Keith, Leave the recommendation for the air compressor. Everything else looks good, can’t wait to start implementing."
- Source: Martin Holemo, Sr. Manager, Facilities & Maintenance, ILC, 05/24/2024
"Keith, Thanks to you and your team for this energy audit and recommendations with significant savings attached. I really appreciate your time and effort."
- Source: Kevin Ralg, Director of Compliance, Stanley Engineering, 11/16/2023
"Thank you and your team for coming out. We will review these recommendations and plan improvements moving forward."
- Source: Matt Tucker, Plant Manager, Allied Precision, 09/22/2023
"Thank you and your team for coming out. We will review these recommendations and plan improvements moving forward."
- Source: Matt Tucker, Plant Manager, Ensinger Grenloch, Inc., 09/22/2023
"Thank you, Keith, and UD team! Agilent Appreciates! Very fast summarized results Keith! Impressive."
- Source: Kevin Flach, Plant Manager, Agilent, 08/18/2023
"Keith, I really appreciate your support and plant assessment. As I mentioned, I’ll be taking few days off this week, I’ll be responding emails on my return. Once again thanks to you and your team for the support. I’m so excited to implement some recommendations and start seeing the savings."
- Source: Raul Saurez, Plant Manager, Liberty Coca Cola, 08/13/2023
"Thank you for this data and analysis. We will work with refrigeration/HVAC vendor to make adjustments where feasible. Another positive takeaway from this is that I think we found the “wrench in the cogs” for the older outdoor office unit (the one with the cardboard covering the fins)."
- Source: Perry Zachary, Plant Manager, Reyes Premium, 08/11/2023
"Will do Keith, I haven’t had a chance to review thoroughly yet but I know that Chris has already been implementing suggestions from it. I do appreciate you all taking the time to complete the audit"
- Source: Kyle Long, Corporate EHS Director, Rea Magnet Wire, 11/13/2023
"I did want to let you know how appreciative we are for your work on our behalf. As you might expect our energy usage is significant and any savings we get from the study will be put right back into the company’s manufacturing process as investment. The exercise is not only a learning tool for your students but also for us. It provides another set of eyes on our energy use. It will allow us to focus on waste and the opportunities presented to save energy as directed. All very positive in my view. Anyway we wish to thank you, Keith(and his team) and The University of Delaware for this audit. We believe the result will be not only savings but ideas for future energy use.I hope you view this as I do-a very worthwhile exercise on energy consumption. Now implementing the recommendations is our part of the bargain!"
- Source: Bob Cohen, President, Acme Corrugated Box Co, Inc, 01/08/2023
"Hi Keith, Attached is the completed form. Many of the projects are on our Capital Improvement Plan and will be implemented in upcoming years. Thanks again for your team's efforts on this!"
- Source: Dominic D;Orazio, Regional Operations Engineer, Wilmington WWTP, 02/29/2024
"Ralph, I want to thank you and your team for coming on site and performing this assessment for us. The attached report is excellent, and we will be meeting on this in the very near future. This comes at a good time as our business has slowed down recently and along with that cost’s reductions are necessary to reduce the pains. We will use this report as a tool to push the executive team to allocate funds into the plant so that we can continue our path forward of reducing our energy consumption and overall cost of operation. The team here will be reviewing this with great detail and will absolutely reach out for any questions or concerns. Again, thank you all very much, your efforts are greatly appreciated!"
- Source: Nick DiSalvo, 10/26/2022
"Thank-you Keith, Lincoln and Luke, this is awesome. We will digest when Josh gets back next week, will let you know if we have questions. We really appreciate the audit, be well."
- Source: Michelle Conklin, Engineering, 08/25/2022
"Great findings Keith! My favorite was using the RO reject stream for cooling tower make up water. Big financial savings and over 3 million gallons of water saved will certainly impact your WUR in a positive way. It would be great to see this prioritized out of the list since WUR is the metric that has seen the worst upward trend. Silver Spring team, let us know if you need support with this."
- Source: Brandi Collignon, Environmental Affairs Sr Manager, Coca Cola, 01/17/2023
"Good Morning , Thank you for this detailed report. We ate Eagle Group really appreciate the time and effort you have all put into this on our behalf. Had we hired a firm to do this work for us, it would have cost us thousands of dollars, so we are very appreciative of the work the entire team has put into this. I will review it in more detail over the next week. Thanks, Rick"
- Source: Rick Murphy, Eagle Group, 08/02/2022
"I appreciate the quick turnaround. I will review and get back to you with any questions."
- Source: Brooke Kinney Jr., Plant Manager, Thermoplastic Processes, 08/18/2021
"Thank You for all of your time and expertise."
- Source: Randy Hartzell, Plant Controller, Graham Packaging, 06/30/2021
"Hi Keith. Thank you for coming out. I was very impressed by the attention to detail you all did during the audit. Great team."
- Source: Jackob Schleifer, Director of Field Operations, Planlt Green LLC, 04/14/2021
"Thanks again for you and your team’s hard work. I’ve shared your reporting with the other management here and I’m sure there will be questions, clarifications, and other musings to follow."
- Source: Victor Tabeling, Sales and Marketing Manager, Applied Diamond, Inc, 03/25/2021
"We cant thank you enough for your time and commitment in conducting this assessment. There are some great opportunities in here that the team and I will work on addressing."
- Source: Pat Paya II, Plant Manager, Supply Chain, Liberty Coca-Cola, 04/26/2021
"Hi Keith, Many thanks to you and your team for all the hard work. Best Regards, Thomas Kaiser"
- Source: Thomas Kaiser, Site Operational Excellence Lead, Liberty Coca-Cola, 02/05/2021
"Thank you so much for your efforts! We really enjoyed your visit a nd your recommendations."
- Source: Chesky Seitler, COO, Kosher Gardens LLC, 02/15/2021
"Thanks Keith, all very good recommendations."
- Source: Toby Boyd, General Manager, Pemco Lighting Products, 12/15/2020
"I can’t thank you, your students and the University of Delaware enough for performing the audits for the City of Rehoboth Beach!"
- Source: Vicky Hatton, Accounting Supervisor, City of Rehoboth Beach, 12/23/2020
"TA Continues to be very interested in performing these recommendations. 2020 has been an extremely challenging year due to COVID, an extremely stunted market, a plant shut-down and move, etc. We hope to be able to start to implement these recommendations in 2021."
- Source: John Burns, Facilities Manager, TA Instruments, 11/06/2020
"Keith, on behalf of Thermoseal, I want to reiterate our gratitude to you and your team. We appreciate everyone's efforts to identify and quantify opportunities to reduce Thermoseals energy costs. We thoroughly enjoyed the audit and we hope your team enjoyed the day at Thermoseal. "
- Source: Dan Nichols, Director of Operations, Thermoseal, 01/21/2015
"Thank you very much for your energy assessment. This is valuable work all around; for us for the potential energy savings, and for the students for training and development. I will dig into the report over the days and push for suggested improvements where practical. I will certainly reach out to you if any questions arise. I hope you attained valuable experience out of providing us this service."
- Source: Raymond Hunce, Research Associate, Lifoam Industries, 10/02/2014
""They did a really good job of generating ideas and covered a lot of ground.""
- Source: Mark Myers, Ashland, 08/01/2014
""My firm is quite impressed with the work of you and your team and you may be contacted by higher ranking members of my firm to see if you can help us at other sites.""
- Source: Charles F Beck, Certech, 08/01/2014
""Thanks to you and your team for such a thorough audit. I’m very impressed with the process and expect that we will implement most if not all of the suggestions.""
- Source: Ralph Wood, Interstate Connecting Components, 08/01/2014
"The report is excellent, and the entire crew did an outstanding job. I appreciate the efforts of all and immediate corrections that were made to help us save money on day one!!!"
- Source: Gary M. Coppola, Journal Register Offset, 08/01/2014
""On behalf of -, I am writing to thank you for putting us in touch with Prof. Keith Goossen and his exceptional team. The energy assessment report and the recommendations have helped us better understand our system. It also enabled us to work on projects that have a direct impact on our energy consumption, hence helping us lower our energy bills. I am pleased to inform you that we have recently accepted a state grant to improve for our chiller/piping system. This would not have been possible without the excellent work done by the University of Delaware Mid-Atlantic Industrial Assessment Center.""
- Source: Vaibhav Paritosh, Bilcare, 08/01/2014
Contact Center Center Website
Center Director Keith Goossen
Phone # +13028310210
Fax # +13028314316
Mailing Address University of Delaware
140 Evans Hall
Newark, DE 19716
Other Allison Lutz
Other Priscila Barbosa
Assistant Director Ralph Nigro
Other Robert Schmidt
University of Delaware has trained 121 students
The following students have participated in IAC assessments with University of Delaware since 2007.
The 55 students (in BOLD) have also been awarded IAC student certificates for exceptional participation.

Adam Bourjal
Aditya Utturkar
Adrian Wetzel
Alex Kuchuk
Ali Mousavi
Allyce Ramadan
Andrew Rackie
Anna Ferrara
Ben Ross
Benjamin Shopp
Bradley Hoffmann
Brandon Maravilla Garcia
Brandon Tacconelli
Brian Chlan
Brice Carlson
Bruce Hu
Bryan Haney
Byron Lambrou
Cesar Duarte
Chase Lawrence
Chelsi Campbell
Christine Longhitano
Christopher Brehm
Christopher Calandra
Colin Manasse
Cory Budischak
Courtney Griffin
Dan Kasper
Daniel Wolfe
David Graham
David McAndrews
David Mroz
Douglas Devoto
Elizabeth Alban
Emmanuel Dessallien
Erika vant Veld
Ernest Koepf
Eva Grise
Fan Wang
Felipe Quintero
Gabriel Bisio
Galvin Stuart
Gayathre Krishnan
Gordon Schweitzer
Grace Li
Gretchen Rodammer
Guy Kramer
Jacob Goldblatt
Jacob Piretti
Jacqueline Johnson
James Craig
James Schneider
Jason Clausing
Joe Camp
John Grayo
Jose Cardozo
Josh Dubey
Joshua Hyman
Julia Hirs
Junli Li
Justino DeAngelis
Keith Gallagher
Kimberly Lewis
Kristen Pickelsimer
Kristina Kowal
Latha Natraj
Lemir Teron
Liam Kelley
Lincoln Pritt
Luke Hutchinson
Marcel Okoli
Marisa Myrick
Mark Griesinger
Matthew Marino
Matthew Vilaboy
Matthew Ward
Matthew Webber
Mayank Saraswat
Megan Murray
Mehul Garg
Micah Uzuh
Michael Dee
Muhammad Kamil Qaddus
Nathan Coleman
Nevin Schlabach
Nick Goossen
Nicole Suto
Nnamnor Okafor
Noah Durbin
Noah Morrison
Pallavi Mathur
Parag Nathaney
Paul Del Mar
Paul Gordon
Paul LaShier
Paul Zaloga Jr
Peleg Kremer
Priscila Barbosa
Randall Jacob Stafford
Rebecca Beswick
Reema Alyahmadi
Richard Parsons
Rocco Dumnich
Ryan Dudek
Ryan Purnell
Ryan Wolynetz
Samuel Matylewicz
Samuel Romano
Sanjay Gopal
Sean Frazee
Theodore Lambert
Thomas Potter
Tom Battagliese
Travis Deputy
Varun Gupta
Vasan C.S. Chandrasekaran
Veerendra Bommenahalli Veerabadrappa
Victoria DeSpirito
Will Brown
Yannick Hutson
Yash Kabra