Implementation Grant Funding Opportunity Open
IMPORTANT: The grant program operates on a rolling basis and applications may be submitted at any time, with quarterly reviews.
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Implementation Grant Funding Opportunity Open
Qualifying* small and medium-sized US manufacturers, that received IAC or Combined Heat and Power Technical Assistance Partnership assessments between 2018 and 2024, can now apply for grants for implementation of assessment recommendations up 50% of qualifying* project costs with a maximum of $300,000 per manufacturer.
IMPORTANT: The grant program now operates on a rolling basis and applications may be submitted at any time through the year, with quarterly reviews.
*See Full Grant Solicitation for full qualification and selection details.
Student Research Award Winner: 2020, 2023
The University of Illinois, Chicago Industrial Assessment Center (IC-IAC) provides free energy, productivity, and waste assessments to small and medium-sized industrial facilities through funding provided by the US Department of Energy.
321 | Assessments |
2,572 | Recommendations |
4.44 | Tbtu Energy Saving* |
$66.52 | million Cost Savings* |
176 | Students Trained |
Energy Engineering related programs, degrees, etc:

Related Papers & Publications
Haefke, Clifford P., Miller, Graeme,
Understanding Combined Heat and Power (CHP),
Illinois Future of Gas - Phase 2 - Workshop 9,
Springfield, Illinois,
January 27, 2025,
Haefke, Clifford P.,
Energizing CHP and Exploring Case Studies: Unlocking the Potential of Alternative Fuels,
U.S. Department of Energy Better Plants Combined Heat and Power (CHP) System Virtual Training 2024,
Oak Ridge, Tennessee,
December 10, 2024,
Haefke, Clifford P.,
Pathways for Industrial Decarbonization: Strategies, Funding, and Technical Support Opportunities,
Midwest Energy Policy Series: Renewables & Efficiency,
University of Missouri, Columbia, Missouri,
August 20, 2024,
Related Papers & Publications
1 Papers / Publications
Haefke, Clifford P., Miller, Graeme,
Understanding Combined Heat and Power (CHP),
Illinois Future of Gas - Phase 2 - Workshop 9,
Springfield, Illinois,
January 27, 2025,
5 Papers / Publications
Haefke, Clifford P.,
Energizing CHP and Exploring Case Studies: Unlocking the Potential of Alternative Fuels,
U.S. Department of Energy Better Plants Combined Heat and Power (CHP) System Virtual Training 2024,
Oak Ridge, Tennessee,
December 10, 2024,
Haefke, Clifford P.,
Pathways for Industrial Decarbonization: Strategies, Funding, and Technical Support Opportunities,
Midwest Energy Policy Series: Renewables & Efficiency,
University of Missouri, Columbia, Missouri,
August 20, 2024,
Bangash, Faaran; Pibiri, Marcello; Hossein, Rashed; Alam, Muhammad Talha,
Industrial Decarbonization and Pollution Prevention - Overview of U.S. DOE and EPA Technical Assistance Services at UIC,
2024 Energy Resources Center Speaker Series, Virtual Webinar,
Chicago, Illinois,
March 27, 2024,
Haefke, Clifford P.,
Industrial Decarbonization and U.S. DOE Technical Assistance to Implement Decarbonization Strategies,
Industrial Decarbonization and Pollution Prevention In-Person Workshop @ Chicago City Hall,
Chicago, Illinois,
July 25, 2024,
Haefke, Clifford P.,
Empowering Energy-Intensive Facilities: Onsite Solutions for Decarbonization,
2024 Energy Efficiency & Technology Conference CenterPoint Energy,
Brooklyn Center, Minnesota,
May 22, 2024,
3 Papers / Publications
Haefke, Clifford P.,
Exploring the US DOE’s “Industrial Decarbonization Roadmap” and Learning about Federal Funding Incentives for Industrial Energy Efficiency and Clean Energy Projects,
Ohio Industrial Decarbonization and Combined Heat & Power Workshop,
Cincinnati, Ohio,
August 24, 2023,
Bangash, Faaran; Haefke, Clifford P.; Patel, Aditya; Sandoval, Lucia Valenzuela,
Exploring Industrial Decarbonization and Overview of DOE Technical Assistance Services,
Energy Resources Center Speaker Series,
Virtual Webinar,
March 23, 2023,
Haefke, Clifford P.,
Exploring Industrial Decarbonization,
MI Healthy Climate Conference,
Detroit, Michigan,
April 12, 2023,
6 Papers / Publications
Dvorak, David; Haefke, Clifford P.; Miller, Graeme; Rooney, Kyle,
Fundamentals of CHP Systems,
U.S. DOE Better Plants Combined Heat and Power (CHP) System Virtual In-Plant Training,
Virtual Webinar,
November 29, 2022,
Yun, L., & Li, L.,
Assessing the Impacts of Real-Time Price Prediction Quality on Demand Response Management for Sustainable Smart Manufacturing,
Proceedings of the ASME 2022 17th International Manufacturing Science and Engineering Conference. Volume 2: Manufacturing Processes; Manufacturing Systems.,
Yun, L., & Li, L.,
A New Evaluation Metric for Demand Response-Driven Real-Time Price Prediction Towards Sustainable Manufacturing,
ASME. J. Manuf. Sci. Eng. 145(2): 021009.,
Han, M., Li, L., & Zhao, J.,
Volatile organic compound emissions from 4D printing: Effects of material composition and external stimulus,
Additive Manufacturing, 56, 102894.,
Yun, L., Xiao, M., & Li, L.,
Vehicle-to-manufacturing (V2M) system: A novel approach to improve energy demand flexibility for demand response towards sustainable manufacturing,
Applied Energy, 323, 119552.,
Brown, P.,
Identifying Industrial Energy and Environmental Saving Opportunities through No-Cost Programs Sponsored by the US Department of Energy and the US Environmental Protection Agency,
UIC Energy Resources Center Speaker Series,
Chicago, Illinois,
March 10, 2022,
3 Papers / Publications
Haefke, Clifford P.,
CHP 101: Concepts, Technologies, Benefits and Opportunities,
The National Summit on Combined Heat and Power,
Washington D.C.,
September 13, 2021,
Garland, Patti; Haefke, Clifford P.; Kosanovic, Beka,
Combined Heat and Power (CHP) Basics for IAC Students,
U.S. DOE Industrial Assessment Center Webinar Series,
Virtual Webinar,
February 11, 2021,
Han, M., Zhao, J., & Li, L.,
Emissions of Volatile Organic Compounds From 4D Printing and Associated Control Strategies Towards Workplace Safety,
Proceedings of the ASME 2021 16th International Manufacturing Science and Engineering Conference. Volume 2: Manufacturing Processes; Manufacturing Systems; Nano/Micro/Meso Manufacturing; Quality and Reliability.,
2 Papers / Publications
Holland, M., Pibiri, M., Perez, B., Cacciatore, C., and Dongen, M.,,
The Road to Energy Neutrality,
American Made U.S. DOE Water Resource Recovery Prize,
Washington, D.C.,
June 28, 2020,
Zhou, X., Zhao, J., Yun, L., Sun, Z., & Li, L.,
Demand Response for Sustainable Manufacturing Systems Considering Buffer Content Utilization,
Proceedings of the ASME 2020 15th International Manufacturing Science and Engineering Conference. Volume 2: Manufacturing Processes; Manufacturing Systems; Nano/Micro/Meso Manufacturing; Quality and Reliability,
1 Papers / Publications
Dababneh, F., & Li, L.,
Integrated Electricity and Natural Gas Demand Response for Manufacturers in the Smart Grid,
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, vol. 10, no. 4, pp. 4164-4174,,
2 Papers / Publications
Dababneh, F., Li, L., Shah, R., & Haefke, C.,
Demand Response-Driven Production and Maintenance Decision-Making for Cost-Effective Manufacturing,
J. Manuf. Sci. Eng. 140(6): 061008,
Haefke, Clifford P.,
CHP and Energy Efficiency Technical Assistance Resources for the Wastewater Market Sector,
National Governors Association Minnesota Water-Energy Nexus In-State Retreat,
Saint Paul, Minnesota,
August 3, 2018,
1 Papers / Publications
Dababneh, F, Shah, R, Sun, Z, & Li, L.,
Framework and Sensitivity Analysis of Joint Energy and Maintenance Planning Considering Production Throughput Requirements,
Proceedings of the ASME 2017 12th International Manufacturing Science and Engineering Conference collocated with the JSME/ASME 2017 6th International Conference on Materials and Processing. Volume 3: Manufacturing Equipment and Systems.,
Contact Center
Center Website
Center Director | Lin Li |
---|---| | |
Phone # | +13129963045 |
Fax # | +13124130447 |
Mailing Address |
842 W Taylor Street Chicago, IL 60607 |
Assistant Director | Clifford Haefke |
Other | Faaran Bangash |
Other | Marcello Pibiri |
University of Illinois, Chicago has trained 176 students
The following students have participated in IAC assessments with University of Illinois, Chicago since
The 62 students (in BOLD) have also been awarded IAC student certificates for exceptional participation.
The 62 students (in BOLD) have also been awarded IAC student certificates for exceptional participation.
Aaron Hart
Abhinav Ramesh
Abigail Dyra
Aditya Patel
Aditya Patki
Adriana Garcia
Agata Chmiel
Agnieszka Szudy
Ahmad Peyvan
Akshay Patil
Allen Amir Ali
Alora Moore
Amaan Laheri
Andrea Nehrbass
Andrew Sheaffer
Andrey Gribovich
Angie Quiroga
Anna Nawara
Anna Poprawski
Anuj Ghildial
Anvesh Masa
Aravindh Murali
Ariel Marvin Nyamien
Arturo Hernandez
Arvind Vaitheeswaran
Atharva Parag Lele
Avelino DeVeyra
Ayush Chobe
Azadeh Haghighi
Beulah Orogun
Blaise Steele
Boden Kenneth Mueller
Bohan Ren
Borko Andric
Brennan Downes
Brian Clark
Brian Malone
Bridget Talbot
Carl Lowendorf
Cassandra Rosa
Charles Nganga
Chris Heckert
Christian Gonzalez
Clint Vericker
Damien Karpen
Dan Hollenbach
Dave Kulikowski
Dave Lichtenfeld
David Eslinger
David Garon
David Tith
Diego Velez
Dima Alfawakhiri
Douglas Bright
Dylan Mathews
Erik Peterson
Ezgi Takmaz
Faaran Bangash
Fadwa Dababneh
Fahad Salman Syed
Fakrogha Porbeni
Freddy Avila
Gaurav Vankhede
Giuseppe Laudadio
Grace Junge
Hemang Limbachiya
Isaac Banes
Jaime Frausto
James Gilbert
Janhavi Datar
Janik Somaiya
Jason Osei-Tutu
Jaswin Sri Raj Dasari
Jay Uday Shinde
Jeremy Hass
Jian-Yih Cheng
Jim Gibson
Jim Lyon
Jingwen Wang
Joanna Zamiechowska
Joe Parkinson
Jonathan Aardsma
Jonathan Perthel
Jonathon Arana
Joseph Marasso
Juan Munoz
Kaitav Parikh
Karina Perez
Kate Merrill
Kenny Hultquist
Kevin Kunkel
Kevin Kunkell
Kingsley Osei-Tutu
Konrad Lach
Krista Sutton
Kyong Chang
Laila Mendez
Lingxiang Yun
Lois Kwon
Lucia Valenzuela Sandoval
Luis Reyes
Luo Zhang
Malhar Gaikwad
Mansur Islamov
Mark Olszewski
Mark Stine
Matt Darnell
Matthew Johnson
Matthew Krupa
Matthew Swanson
Md Rashed Hossain
Mehtar Jahin Tatha
Michael Poulopoulos
Mike Kittler
Milos Stefanovic
Minkun Xiao
Mohd-Salman Alimi
Montserrat Aguero
Muhammad Talha Alam
Muyue Han
Nathan Solano
Nebojsa Kisic
Nick Whitney
Nimesh Raje
Noah Bravo
Noel Corral
Parth Koul
Patrick OBoyle
Paul Nigro
Phillip Valenzuela
Piotr Czarny
Piyush Chitnis
Prathmesh Shashikant Vipra
Purvi Patel
Pushpank Atwadkar
Rahul Shah
Randy Carpio-Orellana
Raymond Trelka
Rimzhim Mazumdar
Rinu Sudheep Ghosh
Rishika Handa
Ritzi Salaum
Riya Veshvikar
Robert Miller
Rohith Bharadwaj
Rosie Galindo
Ruturaj Rachkar
Sahana Seshadri
Samantha Gutierrez
Sangram More
Sasha Slattery
Scott Timme
Serena ODonnell
Shashaank Singh
Sheyla Gomez
Shirley Xiao
Shreenithi Lakshmi Narasimhan
Simon Nowak
Sokhna Mbathio Ndiaye
Sourabh Ghodake
Stefano Galiasso
Stefano Penaherrera
Steve Spentzas
Steve Zsinko
Tara Ceasario
Timothy Johnson
Vijay Viswanathan
WaShawn Brooks
Xochitl Menchaca
Yang Nie
Yessenia Nicacio-Rosales
Yin Ling Ng
Yiran (Emma) Yang
Zachary Pouska
Zainab Amin
Zunya Shi