Industrial Assessment Centers
University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee IAC
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University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee IAC
Center Established 2012
University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee
Director Ryo Amano
IAC logo
University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee
Implementation Grant Funding Opportunity Open
IMPORTANT: The grant program operates on a rolling basis and applications may be submitted at any time, with quarterly reviews.
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Implementation Grant Funding Opportunity Open
Qualifying* small and medium-sized US manufacturers, that received IAC or Combined Heat and Power Technical Assistance Partnership assessments between 2018 and 2024, can now apply for grants for implementation of assessment recommendations up 50% of qualifying* project costs with a maximum of $300,000 per manufacturer.
IMPORTANT: The grant program now operates on a rolling basis and applications may be submitted at any time through the year, with quarterly reviews.
*See Full Grant Solicitation for full qualification and selection details.
Student Research Award Winner: 2020, 2022, 2023

The University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee Industrial Assessment Center (WM-IAC) provides free energy, productivity, and waste assessments to small and medium-sized industrial facilities through funding provided by the US Department of Energy.

231 Assessments
1,836 Recommendations
2.58 Tbtu Energy Saving*
$18.90 million Cost Savings*
91 Students Trained
*Recommended Savings
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Energy Engineering related programs, degrees, etc:
Generic IAC Assessment Activity
Generic IAC Assessment Activity
Generic IAC Assessment Activity
Related Papers & Publications
Nourin, F., Amano, R.S., " Heat Transfer Augmentation with Jet Impingement Cooling on Dimpled Surface for Gas Turbine Blades, Trans. ASME J. Energy Resources Technology, (IF=3.183), 145(2): 022101, February, | WM-IAC
Saadeh, W., Amano, R.S., and Qandil, M., " Imprinted Glass Fiber-Reinforced Epoxy Nanocomposites Vascular Self-Healing Wind Turbine Blades, Trans. ASME J. Energy Resources Technology, (IF=3.183), 145(2): 022102, February, | WM-IAC
Burra, K., Selim, O., Amano, R.S., Gupta, A., " Synergy In Syngas Yield from Co-Pyrolysis of Cow and Chicken Manures, Trans. ASME J. Energy Resources Technology, 145(1): 061303, January, | WM-IAC
Noteworthy Feedback
"Thank you very much to the entire assessment team. It was very beneficial for us to have your team at our facility, and we gained some valuable insight from the assessment. I will review the report and reach out with any questions we may have. Thank You,"
- Source: Christian Dahl, Quality Manager, Valley Design, 12/12/2024
"Thank you so much for the report and thanks to you and the team for all of your efforts.  We greatly appreciate and value your feedback and input. I will give this a thorough review."
- Source: 11/22/2024
"Tarif, We very much appreciate your and your colleagues' efforts. Since your onsite visit, we have taken steps to update lighting, replace the door frame, and invest in a more efficient compressor. Thank you for the detailed report. Have a great day,"
- Source: Matt Zeilhofer, President, RPI, 08/25/2024
Center Related News
US Vice President Kamala Harris Visits Wisconsin IAC
Left: Ryo Amano (IAC Director), Middle: Tammy Baldwin (US Senator); Right: Kamala Harris (US Vice President)
May 5, 2021

US Vice President Kamala Harris Visits Wisconsin IAC

In May 2021, US Vice President Kamala Harris highlighted the Industrial Assessment Center (IAC). When Harris visited the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, she confirmed to promote the Biden administration’s planned investment in American infrastructure.

Harris talked at a small roundtable discussion about what the $2.3 trillion legislative package would mean for sustainable energy, research innovation, and education, and she toured some of the energy research labs in the College of Engineering & Applied Science at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee to highlight a clean energy economy.

The discussion focused on Milwaukee where the city had once been the machine shop of the nation. But now, the area needs smart investments in energy and manufacturing to create the innovations necessary to solve current-day problems.

Secretary of Energy Jennifer M. Granholm
Secretary of Energy Jennifer M. Granholm
March 8, 2021

Strengthening America's Manufacturing and Industrial Workforce

The U.S. Department of Energy’s Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE) hosted a roundtable on March 8, 2021 to discuss how the Department’s Industrial Assessment Centers (IACs) are helping small- and medium-sized manufacturers improve energy efficiency, create jobs, and reduce their carbon footprints.

Featuring guest speaker Secretary of Energy Jennifer M. Granholm and moderated by Acting Assistant Secretary for Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Kelly Speakes-Backman.

Roundtable participants:

  • Hannah Atkins, Technology Engineer, Clearon Corporation (West Virginia)
  • Brian DeLuca, Director, New Jersey Clean Energy Program, Commercial & Industrial Programs, TRC Companies (New Jersey)
  • Marco Gonzalez, Corporate Energy Manager. Waupaca Foundry (Wisconsin)
  • Dr. Sachin Nimbalkar, Group Leader, Manufacturing Energy Efficiency Research & Analysis, Group. Oak Ridge National Laboratory (Tennessee)
  • Farah Nourin, Graduate Student. University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee IAC team (Wisconsin IAC)
  • Dr. Julie Sieving, Co-Director, University of Utah IAC and founding member, IAC Women for Energy Efficiency (WE2) initiative (Utah IAC)
  • John Smegal, IAC program Manager. Advanced Manufacturing Office. Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, U.S. Department of Energy (Washington. D.C.)
Assessment - Case Studies
WM | Assessment: WM0024
Savings with HVACs
WM | Assessment: WI0454
Potential Savings for Plastics Manufacturer
Related Papers & Publications
7 Papers / Publications
Nourin, F., Amano, R.S., " Heat Transfer Augmentation with Jet Impingement Cooling on Dimpled Surface for Gas Turbine Blades, Trans. ASME J. Energy Resources Technology, (IF=3.183), 145(2): 022101, February, | WM-IAC
Saadeh, W., Amano, R.S., and Qandil, M., " Imprinted Glass Fiber-Reinforced Epoxy Nanocomposites Vascular Self-Healing Wind Turbine Blades, Trans. ASME J. Energy Resources Technology, (IF=3.183), 145(2): 022102, February, | WM-IAC
Burra, K., Selim, O., Amano, R.S., Gupta, A., " Synergy In Syngas Yield from Co-Pyrolysis of Cow and Chicken Manures, Trans. ASME J. Energy Resources Technology, 145(1): 061303, January, | WM-IAC
Norin, F., Blum, B., Amano, R.S., " Exploring the Effects of Guide Vane on Dimpled Cooling Channel of Gas Turbine Blade, Trans. ASME J. Energy Resources Technology, 145(5), May, | WM-IAC
Hasan, A., Salem, Abousabae, M.., Al Hamad, S., Amano, R.S., " Experimental and Numerical Investigation of Tubercles and Winglets Horizontal Axis Wind Turbine Blade Design, Trans. ASME J. Energy Resources Technology, 145(1): 011301, January, | WM-IAC
Hasan, A., Salem, Abousabae, M.., Al Hamad, S., Amano, R.S., " Experimental and Numerical Investigation of Vortex Generators and Winglets in Horizontal Axis Wind Turbine Blade Design, Trans. ASME J. Energy Resources Technology, 145(1): 011301, January, | WM-IAC
Nourin, F., Amano, R.S., " Heat Transfer Augmentation with Jet Impingement Cooling on Dimpled Surface for Gas Turbine Blades, Trans. ASME J. Energy Resources Technology, 145(2): 022101, February, | WM-IAC
10 Papers / Publications
Al Hamad, S., Hasan, A., Habash, O., Amano, R.S., " Effect of the J-shaped Wind Turbine Airfoil Opening Ratio and Thickness on the Performance of Symmetrical Airfoils, Trans. ASME J. Energy Resources Technology, 144(5): 051303, May, | WM-IAC
Qandil, M., Abbas, A., Al Hamad, S., Saadeh, W., Amano, R.S., " Performance of Hybrid Renewable Energy Power System for a Residential Building, Trans. ASME J. Energy Resources Technology, 144(4): 041301, April, | WM-IAC
Nourin, F., Espindola, J., Selim, O., Amano, R.S., " Energy, Exergy, and Emission Analysis on Industrial Air Compressors, Trans. ASME J. Energy Resources Technology, 144(4): 042104, April, | WM-IAC
Nourin, F., Amano, R.S., " Experimental and Large Eddy Simulation Study for Visualizing Complex Flow Phenomena of Gas Turbine Internal Blade Cooling Channel with No Bendssors, Trans. ASME J. Energy Resources Technology, 144(6): 062104, June, | WM-IAC
Salem, A.R., Hasan, A., Abdelhadi, A., Al Hamad, S., Qandil, M., Amano, R.S., " Power Generation and Oxygen Transfer Analyses for Micro Hydro-Turbine Installed in Wastewater Treatment Aeration Tank, Trans. ASME J. Energy Resources Technology, 144(3): 032102, March, | WM-IAC
Hasan, A., Salem, A.R., Abdelhadi, A., Al Hamad, S., Qandil, M., Amano, R.S., " Optimizing Power Reclamation of Micro Hydro Turbines in Wastewater Treatment Plant, Trans. ASME J. Energy Resources Technology, 144(1): 012109, January, | WM-IAC
Nourin, F., Amano, R.S., " Experimental Study on Flow Behavior and Heat Transfer Enhancement with Distinct Dimpled Gas Turbine Blade Internal Cooling Channel, Trans. ASME J. Energy Resources Technology, 144(7): 072101, July, | WM-IAC
Xu, Cheng., Amano, R.S., " Integral Design of a Turbocharger: Turbocharger Design Targets and Centrifugal Compressor Design, Trans. ASME J. Energy Resources Technology, Vol. 144 / 052103-1, May, | WM-IAC
Selim, O., Al Hamad, S., Amano, R.S., " Experimental and Numerical Study on the Effect of Annular Combustor Design on Thermal Uniformity Jet in Cross Flow, Trans. ASME J. Energy Resources Technology, 144(10); 102308, October, | WM-IAC
Nourin, F.N., Blum, B., Amano, R.S., " Evaluation of Heat Transfer Enhancement on Rotational Gas Turbine Blade Internal Cooling Channel with Dimpled Surface, Trans. ASME J. Energy Resources Technology, 144(11): 112105, November, | WM-IAC
11 Papers / Publications
Farah Nazifa Nourin, Ahmad I. Abbas, Mohammad D. Qandil, Ryoichi S. Amano, " Analytical Study to Use the Excess Digester Gas of Wastewater Treatment Plants, Trans. ASME J. Energy Resources Technology (IF=3.183), 143(1): 012104 (7 pages), January, | WM-IAC
Amano, R.S., Abdelhadi, Ahmad, Salem, Abdel, Abbas, Ahmad, Abousabae, Mohammed, " Study of Energy Saving Analysis for Different Industries, Trans. ASME J. Energy Resources Technology (IF=3.183), 143(5): 052101 (9 pages), May, | WM-IAC
Qandil, M., Abbas, A., Abdelhadi, A., Salem, A., and Amano, R.S., " Energy Analysis: Ways To Save Energy And Reduce The Emissions In Wastewater Treatment Plants, International Journal of Energy for Clean Environment, 22(1):91–112, | WM-IAC
Mohammad D. Qandil, Ahmad I. Abbas, Abdel Rahman Salem, Ahmad I. Abdelhadi, Alaa Hasan, Farah Nazifa Nourin, Mohamed Abousabae, Osama M. Selim, Juan Espindola, Ryoichi S. Amano, " Net Zero Energy Model for Wastewater Treatment Plants, Trans. ASME J. Energy Resources Technology (IF=3.183), 143(12): 122101 (12 pages), December, | WM-IAC
Alaa Hasan, Osama M. Selim, Mohamed Abousabae, Ryoichi S. Amano , Wilkistar Otieno, " Economic, Exergy, and Environmental Analyses of the Energy Assessments for U.S. Industries, Trans. ASME J. Energy Resources Technology (IF=3.183), 143(11): 112107 (12 pages), November, | WM-IAC
Espindola, J., Nourin, F.N., Qandil, M., Abdelhadi, A., and Amano, R.S., " Energy Saving Analysis Using Energy Intensity Usage and Specific Energy Consumption Methods, International Journal of Energy for Clean Environment, 22(1):15–29, | WM-IAC
Hasan, Alaa, Salem, A., Abdelhadi, A., Qandil, M., Amano, R.S., and Alkhalidi, A., " The Power Reclamation of Utilizing Micro-Hydro Turbines in The Aeration Basins of Wastewater Treatment Plants, Trans. ASME J. Energy Resources Technology (IF=3.183), August, | WM-IAC
Selim, O., Abousabae, M., Hasan, Alaa, and Amano, R.S., " Analysis of Energy Savings and CO2 Emission Reduction Contribution for Industrial Facilities In USA, Trans. ASME J. Energy Resources Technology (IF=3.183), August, | WM-IAC
Amano, R.S., Espindola, Juan, Nourin, Farah, Qandil, Mohammad, and Abdelhadi, Ahmad, " Energy Saving Analysis Using Energy Intensity Usage and Specific Energy Consumption Methods, International Journal of Energy for Clean Environment, pages 15-29, January, | WM-IAC
Alkhalidi, A., Abuothman, A., Abbas, H., A-Duqqah, B., Nofal, T., Amano, R.S., " Cantilever wind turbines installation to harvest accelerated wind in dams (hybrid floating PV – Wind system, Renewable Energy Focus, 40(4), | WM-IAC
Alaa S. Hasan , Mohammed Abousabae , Abdel Rahman Salem , Ryoichi S. Amano, " Study of Aerodynamic Performance and Power Output for Residential-Scale Wind Turbines, Trans. ASME J. Energy Resources Technology (IF=3.183), 143(1): 011302 (10 pages), January, | WM-IAC
2 Papers / Publications
Hasan, Alaa, Jackson, Randall, ElGammal, Tarek, and Amano, R.S., " Comparative Study of The Inline Configuration Wind Farm, Trans. ASME J. Energy Resources Technology (IF=3.183), 142(6): 061302 (10 pages),, June, | WM-IAC
Selim, O., Hussein, M., and Amano, R.S., " Effect of Heating Rate on Chemical Kinetics of Chicken Manure With Different Gas Agents, Trans. ASME J. Energy Resources Technology (IF=3.183), 142(10): 102104 (7 pages), October, | WM-IAC
4 Papers / Publications
Ahmad I. Abbas , Mohammad D. Qandil , Muhannad R. Al-Haddad , Mandana S. Saravani , Ryoichi S. Amano, " Utilization of Hydroturbines in Wastewater Treatment Plants, Trans ASME J. Energy Resources Technologies, 141(6): 062011 (5 pages), April 22, | WM-IAC
Mohammad D. Qandil , Ahmad I. Abbas , Hassan D. Qandil , Muhannad R. Al-Haddad , Ryoichi S. Amano, " A Stand-Alone Hybrid Photovoltaic, Fuel Cell And Battery System, Trans. ASME J. Energy Resources Technology (IF=3.183), 141(11), Volume 141, Issue 11, November, | WM-IAC
Alaa S. Hasan , Randall S. Jackson , Ryoichi S. Amano, " Experimental Study of the Wake Regions in Wind Farms, Trans. ASME J. Energy Resources Technology (IF=3.183), 141(5): 051209 (12 pages), March 29, | WM-IAC
Xu, Cheng and Amano, R.S, " The Performance Influences of a Centrifugal Compressor due to Scroll Local Deformation, Trans. ASME J. Energy Resources Technology (IF=3.183), Vol. 141(9), 091202, April 4, | WM-IAC
2 Papers / Publications
Xu, C. and Amano, R.., " Centrifugal Compressor Performance Improvements Through Compressor Splitter Location, ASME J. Energy Resources Tecchnology, May, | WM-IAC
46. Beyhaghi, Saman and Amano, R.S., " A Parametric Study on Leading-Edge Slots Used on Wind Turbine Airfoils at Various Angles of Attack, Journal of Wind Engineering & Industrial Aerodynamics (IF=5.0), Vol. 175, pp.43-52, April 2018, , January, | WM-IAC
10 Papers / Publications
Ross, A., Khajahnezhad, M., Otieno, W. and Aydas, O., " A two Echelon Location-Inventory Model for a Multi-Product Donation-Demand Driven Industry, European Journal of Operations Research, Vol. 259, Issue 2, pages 664-676, | WM-IAC
Saman Beyhaghi and Ryoichi Amano, " Investigation of Flow Over a Wind Turbine Blade Airfoil Using a Hybrid Detached Eddy Simulation–Algebraic Stress Turbulence Model, Trans. ASME J. Energy Resources Technology, 139(5), 051204 , | WM-IAC
Saman Beyhaghi and Ryoichi Amano, " Improvement of Wind Turbine Blade Aerodynamic Performance of Cambered Airfoils Using Leading-Edge Slots, Trans. ASME J. Energy Resources Technology, 139(5), 051206 , March 16, | WM-IAC
Randall S. Jackson and Ryoichi Amano, " Experimental Study and Simulation of a Small-Scale Horizontal-Axis Wind Turbine, Trans. ASME J. Energy Resources Technology (IF=1.4), 139(5), 051207, Mar 16, | WM-IAC
Arun Kumar Koralagundi Matt, Saman Beyhaghi, Ryoichi S. Amano and Jie Guo, " Self-Healing of Wind Turbine Blades Using Microscale Vascular Vessels, Trans. ASME J. Energy Resources Technology (IF=1.4), 139(5), 051208 , Mar 16, | WM-IAC
Burra, K.R., Hussein, M.S., Amano, R.S., and Gupta, A.K, " Syngas Evolutionary Behavior during Chicken Manure Pyrolysis and Air Gasification, Applied Energy, Vol. 181, pp. 408-415, November , | WM-IAC
Hussein, M.S., Burra, K.G., Amano, R.S., and Gupta, A.K., " Effect of oxygen addition in steam gasification of chicken manure, Fuel, Vol. 189, 189, Pp 428-435, February, | WM-IAC
Hussein, M.S., Burra, K.R., Amano, R.S., and Gupta, A.K, " Temperature and Gasifying Media Effects on Chicken Manure Pyrolysis and Gasification, Fuel, Vol. 202, pp. 36-45, August, | WM-IAC
Balali, M., Nouri, N., Omrani, E., Otieno, W., Nasiri, A., " An Overview of the Environmental, Economical and Material Developments of the Solar and Wind Sources Coupled with the Energy Storage Systems, International Journal of Energy Research, , May , | WM-IAC
Johnson, B., Otieno, W., and Campbell-Kyureghyan, N., " Influence of Jackhammer Weight on Grip Pressure, Muscle Activity, and Hand–Arm Vibration of the Operator, IISE Transaction on Occupational Ergonomics and Human Factors, Vol. 5, Issue 1, pages 12-22, | WM-IAC
4 Papers / Publications
Martinez, J.L, Amano, R.S., and Rohatgi, P.K., " Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow Analysis of Self-Healing in Metallic Materials, Heat and Mass Transfer, ISSN 0947-7411, | WM-IAC
AlBabaa, H., ElGammal, T., and Amano, R.S., " Study of Air Bubble Diameter and Frequency Formed at a Single Rigid Orifice Submerged in Quasi-Static Water, Trans ASME. Journal of Fluids Engineering, FE-15-1382, October, | WM-IAC
Alkhalidi, A., Alkhafaji, A., and Amano, R.S, " Solid Removal from Water by Using Horizontal Swirl Flow Separator, Jokull Journal, Joklarannsoknafelag Islands,Vol. 66, Issue 1, ISSN: 0449-0576 , | WM-IAC
Amano, R.S., Alkhalidi, A., Alkhafaji, A., and Al Ba’ba’a, H., " Wave Generation in Subsurface Aeration System: A New Approach to Enhance Mixing in Aeration Tank in Wastewater Treatment, Desalination and Water Treatment, Pages 1-8, , Taylor & Francis, April 24, | WM-IAC
3 Papers / Publications
21) Matt, A.K.K, Strong, S., ElGammal, T., and Amano, R.S., " Self-Healing Tubing in Wind Turbine Blades, Trans. ASME Journal of Energy Resources Technology, 137(5), 051202 , September 1, | WM-IAC
Gupta, A., Ibrahim, M.S., and Amano, R.S., " Amano, R.S., “Effect of Jet-to-Mainstream Momentum Flux Ratio on Mixing Process, Heat and Mass Transfer, pp. 1-14, May 2015, Springer, May, | WM-IAC
Ibrahim, M., Alsultan, A, Shen, S., and Amano, R.S., " Advances in Horizontal Axis Wind Turbine Blade Designs: Introduction of Slots and Tubercle, Trans. ASME Journal of Energy Resources Technology, Vol. 137, September 2015, May 8, | WM-IAC
5 Papers / Publications
Xie, J.L., Yuan, C., " Numerical study of thin layer ring on improving the ice formation of building thermal storage system, Applied Thermal Engineering, Vol. 69, 2014, Pages 46–54., | WM-IAC
Li, B.B., Gao, X.F, Zhang, H.C., Yuan, C., " Energy Modeling of Electrochemical Anodization Process of Titanium Dioxide Nanotubes, ACS Sustainable Chemistry and Engineering, 2014, 2 (3), pp 404–410., | WM-IAC
Zhai. Q., Cao, H.J., Zhao, X., Yuan, C., " Assessing Application Potential of Clean Energy Supply for Greenhouse Gas Emission Mitigation: A Case Study on General Motors Global Manufacturing, Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 75, 2014, Pages 11–19., | WM-IAC
Wang, E.D., Yuan, C., " A Hybrid Life Cycle Assessment of Atomic Layer Deposition Process, Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 74, 2014, Pages 145–154., | WM-IAC
5 Papers / Publications
Li, T.H., Yuan, C.*, " Numerical modeling of specific energy consumption in machining process, 2013 ASME International Manufacturing Science and Engineering Conference, Madison, WI, June 10-14, 2013, | WM-IAC
Lopez, H.F., Mendoza, H., and Church, B., " High-Temperature Oxidation Resistance of a Nanoceria Spray-Coated 316L Stainless Steel Under Short-Term Air Exposure., Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, Vol 45, 2013, pp.1362-1370., | WM-IAC
Li, T.H.,Yang, F., Yuan, C.*, " A Novel Parabolic Trough Solar Lighting and Thermal System for Building Energy Efficiency, Proceedings of the 9th IEEE International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering, August 17-21, 2013, Madison, WI, U.S.A., Madison, WI, August 17-21, 2013, | WM-IAC
Kim, C.-S., Sohn, I., Nezafati, M., Ferguson, J.B., Schultz, B., Bajestani-Gohari, Z., Rohatgi, P.K. and Cho, K., " Prediction models for the yield strength of particle-reinforced unimodal pure magnesium (Mg) metal matrix nanocomposites (MMNCs)., Journal of Materials Science, Vol.48, 2013, pp.4191-4204., | WM-IAC
6 Papers / Publications
Li, T.,Zhang, H. C., Yuan, C., Liu, Z.C., Fan, C. C., " A PCA Based Method for Construction of Composite Sustainability Indicators, International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment, Vol.17, 2012, pp.593-603., | WM-IAC
Yuan, C., Zhai, Q., Dornfeld, D., " A three dimensional system approach for environmentally sustainable manufacturing, CIRP Annals-Manufacturing Technology, Vol.61, 2012, pp.39-42., | WM-IAC
Itskos, G., Rohatgi, P.K., Moutsatsou, A., DeFouw, J., Koukouzas, N., Vasilatos, C. and Schultz, B., " Synthesis of A356 Al–high-Ca fly ash composites by pressure infiltration technique and their characterization., Journal of Materials Science Vol.47, 2012, pp.4042-4052., | WM-IAC
Ferguson, J.B., Sheykh-Jaberi, F., Kim, C.-S., Rohatgi, P.K. and Cho, K., " On the strength and strain to failure in particle-reinforced magnesium metal-matrix nanocomposites (Mg MMNCs)., Materials Science and Engineering: A 558, 2012, pp.193-204., | WM-IAC
Hejazi, V., Nyong, A.E., Rohatgi, P.K. and Nosonovsky, M., " Wetting Transitions in Underwater Oleophobic Surface of Brass., Advanced Materials, Vol.24, 2012, pp.5963-5966., | WM-IAC
9 Papers / Publications
Wornyoh, E.Y.A. and Higgs, C.F., " An asperity-based fractional coverage model for transfer films on a tribological surface., Wear, Vol. 270, 2011, pp.127-139, | WM-IAC
Kumar, S. and Reisel, J.R., " Modelling of energy usage for the refining of ethanol from corn., International Journal of Sustainable Energy, Vol. 30, 2011, pp.98-109., | WM-IAC
Amano, R. S. and Rohatgi, P.K., " Laser engineered net shaping process for SAE 4140 low alloy steel., Materials Science and Engineering: A, Vol.528, 2011, pp.6680-6693., | WM-IAC
Wornyoh, E.Y.A., Patel, D. and Schuessler, L., " An In Situ Mechanism for the Optimal Cooling of Oil-Lubricated Rolling Element Bearings and Planetary Gear Systems, ASME 2011 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Paper No. IMECE2011-64614, 2011, pp.71-80, | WM-IAC
Wornyoh, E.Y.A., Patel, D., Schuessler, L., Francis, A. and Garnett, C., " Improving Rolling Element Bearing Thermal Compliance Through In Situ Cooling, ASME/STLE 2011 International Joint Tribology Conference, American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Paper No. IJTC2011-61210, 2011, pp.245-247, | WM-IAC
Wornyoh, E.Y.A. and Higgs, C.F. (2011)., " An asperity-based fractional coverage model for transfer films on a tribological surface., Wear, Vol. 270, 2011, pp.127-139., | WM-IAC
Wornyoh, E.Y.A., Patel, D. and Schuessler, L., " An In Situ Mechanism for the Optimal Cooling of Oil-Lubricated Rolling Element Bearings and Planetary Gear Systems., ASME 2011 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Paper No. IMECE2011-64614, 2011, pp.71-80., | WM-IAC
Wornyoh, E.Y.A., Patel, D., Schuessler, L., Francis, A. and Garnett, C., " Improving Rolling Element Bearing Thermal Compliance Through In Situ Cooling., ASME/STLE 2011 International Joint Tribology Conference, American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Paper No. IJTC2011-61210, 2011, pp.245-247., | WM-IAC
3 Papers / Publications
Lipke, D.W., Zhang, Y., Liu, Y., Church, B.C., and Sandhage, K.H., " Near net-shape/net-dimension ZrC/W-based composites with complex geometries via rapid prototyping and Displacive Compensation of Porosity., Journal of the European Ceramic Society, Vol. 30, 2010, pp: 2265-2277., | WM-IAC
Lipke, D.W., Zhang, Y., Liu, Y., Church, B.C., and Sandhage, K.H., " Near net-shape/net-dimension ZrC/W-based composites with complex geometries via rapid prototyping and Displacive Compensation of Porosity, Journal of the European Ceramic Society, Vol. 30, 2010, pp: 2265-2277, | WM-IAC
Yuan, C. and Dornfeld, D., " Integrated Sustainability Analysis of Atomic Layer Deposition for Microelectronics Manufacturing, ASME Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, | WM-IAC
4 Papers / Publications
Daoud, A., El-Khair, M.T.A., Shenouda, A.Y., Mohammed, E. and Rohatgi, P.K., " Microstructure, tensile properties and electrochemical behavior of Pb alloy–45vol.% fly ash microballoon composites., Materials Science and Engineering: A Vol.526, 2009, pp.225-234., | WM-IAC
Nosonovsky, M., Amano, R., Lucci, J.M. and Rohatgi, P.K., " Physical chemistry of self-organization and self-healing in metals., Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, Vol.11, 2009, pp.9530-9536., | WM-IAC
Mohseni-Languri, E., Taherian, H., Masoodi, R. and Reisel, J.R., " An energy and exergy study of a solar thermal air collector., Thermal science, Vol.13, 2009, pp.205-216., | WM-IAC
Yuan, C. and Dornfeld, D., " Reducing the Environmental Footprint and Economic Costs of Automotive Manufacturing through an Alternative Energy Supply, Transaction of North America Manufacturing Research Institute, Vol. 37, 2009, pp.427-434., | WM-IAC
2 Papers / Publications
Higgs, C. F. and Wornyoh, E.Y.A., " An in situ mechanism for self-replenishing powder transfer films: Experiments and modeling, Wear, Vol. 264, 2008, pp.131-138, | WM-IAC
Higgs, C. F. and Wornyoh, E.Y.A., " An in situ mechanism for self-replenishing powder transfer films: Experiments and modeling., Wear, Vol. 264, 2008, pp.131-138., | WM-IAC
6 Papers / Publications
Yuan, C., Zhang, H. C., McKenna, G., Korzeniewski, C., and Li, J., " Experimental Studies on Cryogenic Recycling of Printed Circuit Board, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Vol. 34, 2007, pp. 657-666., | WM-IAC
Wornyoh, E.Y.A., Jasti, V.K. and Higgs, C.F., " A review of dry particulate lubrication: Powder and granular materials, Journal of Tribology-Transactions of the Asme, Vol.129, 2007, pp.438-449, | WM-IAC
Ernst, E. M., Church, B.C., Gaddis, C.S., Snyder, R.L. and Sandhage K.H., " Enhanced hydrothermal conversion of surfactant-modified diatom microshells into barium titanate replicas, Journal of Materials Research, Vol. 22, 2007, pp.1121-1127, | WM-IAC
Church, B.C., Sanders, T.H., Speyer, R.F., and Cochran, J.K., " Thermal expansion matching and oxidation resistance of Fe-Ni-Cr interconnect alloys., Materials Science and Engineering A-Structural Materials Properties Microstructure and Processing Vol. 452, 2007, pp.334-340., | WM-IAC
Ernst, E. M., Church, B.C., Gaddis, C.S., Snyder, R.L. and Sandhage K.H., " Enhanced hydrothermal conversion of surfactant-modified diatom microshells into barium titanate replicas., Journal of Materials Research, Vol. 22, 2007, pp.1121-1127., | WM-IAC
Wornyoh, E.Y.A., Jasti, V.K. and Higgs, C.F., " A review of dry particulate lubrication: Powder and granular materials., Journal of Tribology-Transactions of the Asme, Vol.129, 2007, pp.438-449., | WM-IAC
4 Papers / Publications
Yuan, C., Zhang, T., Rangarajan, A., Dornfeld, D., Ziemba, B., and Whitbeck, R., " A Decision-based Analysis of Compressed Air Usage Patterns in Automotive Manufacturing, Journal of Manufacturing Systems, Vol.25, 2006, pp.293-300., | WM-IAC
Ahmad, G., Dickerson, M.B., Church, B.C., Cai, Y., Jones, S.E., Naik, R.R., King, J.S., Summers, C.J., Kröger, N. and Sandhage, K.H., " Rapid, Room-Temperature Formation of Crystalline Calcium Molybdate Phosphor Microparticles via Peptide-Induced Precipitation, Advanced Materials, Vol. 18, 2006, pp.1759-1763., | WM-IAC
Church, B.C., Sanders, T.H., Speyer, R.F., and Cochran, J.K., " Thermal expansion matching and oxidation resistance of Fe-Ni-Cr interconnect alloys, Materials Science and Engineering A-Structural Materials Properties Microstructure and Processing Vol. 452, 2007, pp.334-340, | WM-IAC
Ahmad, G., Dickerson, M.B., Church, B.C., Cai, Y., Jones, S.E., Naik, R.R., King, J.S., Summers, C.J., Kröger, N. and Sandhage, K.H., " Rapid, Room-Temperature Formation of Crystalline Calcium Molybdate Phosphor Microparticles via Peptide-Induced Precipitation., Advanced Materials, Vol. 18, 2006, pp.1759-1763., | WM-IAC
2 Papers / Publications
Church, B. C., Sanders Jr., T.H., Speyer, R.F. and Cochran, J.K., " Interconnect thermal expansion matching to solid oxide fuel cells, Journal of Materials Science, Vol. 40, 2005, pp.4893-4898, | WM-IAC
Church, B. C., Sanders Jr., T.H., Speyer, R.F. and Cochran, J.K., " Interconnect thermal expansion matching to solid oxide fuel cells., Journal of Materials Science, Vol. 40, 2005, pp.4893-4898., | WM-IAC
Noteworthy Feedback
"Thank you very much to the entire assessment team. It was very beneficial for us to have your team at our facility, and we gained some valuable insight from the assessment. I will review the report and reach out with any questions we may have. Thank You,"
- Source: Christian Dahl, Quality Manager, Valley Design, 12/12/2024
"Thank you so much for the report and thanks to you and the team for all of your efforts.  We greatly appreciate and value your feedback and input. I will give this a thorough review."
- Source: 11/22/2024
"Tarif, We very much appreciate your and your colleagues' efforts. Since your onsite visit, we have taken steps to update lighting, replace the door frame, and invest in a more efficient compressor. Thank you for the detailed report. Have a great day,"
- Source: Matt Zeilhofer, President, RPI, 08/25/2024
"Team, THANK YOU for your efforts and this outstanding package of information. I plan to share this with the leadership team and facility management team. I also hope to follow up with you on the action we will take related to your recommendations, in addition to the 6-9 month follow-up you suggested. Keep up the great work – I value your organization and the methodology you use, Shannan"
- Source: Shannan Vlieger, Manager, Douglas Dynamics, 11/21/2023
"I wanted to reach out and say thank you again to everyone for coming to Plenco and conducting the industrial assessment. From our conversations, I feel like we will make great progress toward our energy savings goal with the suggestions you’ve provided – looking forward to seeing the report! If you have any questions or need any information, I will be your point of contact – so don’t hesitate to reach out if need be."
- Source: Tyler Rodey, Industrial Engineer, Plenco, 03/30/2023
"Our company is interested in partnering with you and your team at the UW-M Industrial Assessment Center again to conduct an energy assessment at our different location. We were very impressed with the work they did in 2023 on the energy assessments for our several locations and hope to continue the success at another location."
- Source: Scott Simpson, Manager, Plexus, 09/18/2024
"Thank you Md Tarif and Team. We will review and meet internally to discuss the report and recommendations and will follow up if we have questions."
- Source: Noelle Brigham, ESG Director, AO Smith Corporate Technology Center, 04/14/2023
"Thank you!! We will be reviewing the ARs shortly. Very much appreciate everyone’s time and effort in this!"
- Source: Katrina Gilbank, HES Central Leader USA, Nemak - Taylor Drive, 02/07/2023
"Hello Ahmad, Thank you! We will review the ARs and let you know if we have any questions. We appreciate your team visiting our facility and creating this report."
- Source: Hannah Wilson, Facilities Sustainability Program Manager, Bass Pro Shops, 01/19/2023
"Hi Mohamed, Thank you and the team for performing this assessment. We will review internally to determine the next steps with your recommendations."
- Source: Craig Rykaczewski, Armada Warehouse Solutions, 06/09/2022
"I told my bosses, I was very impressed with your team and their performance. They identified a lot of items that would normally be missed or not pursued by many assessments. Also, and I am sure you know this, the “brainpower” of your team is impressive and any company that gets an assessment from your team needs to tap into your team’s knowledge. I look forward to working with you and your team again. Richard Richard Feustel, CEM, Senior Energy Advisor Certified Practitioner in Energy Management Systems-Industrial Sector Leidos | Focus on Energy, Large Energy User Program | W: 608-819-9029 C: 920-517-4712"
- Source: Richard Feustel, CEM, Senior Energy Advisor, Focus on Energy, 03/15/2018
"I was very impressed with the quality of the report. It is especially helpful that you provided all your calculations. There are clearly some excellent energy reduction opportunities for the facility. I'll work with Bill and the operations group to get an implementation plan rolling. Thanks again for your help. "
- Source: Daniel Welch, Corporate Environmental&Sustainability Manager, Bostik, Inc, 04/12/2016
"I would like to take this opportunity to thank the UW Milwaukee Industrial Assessment team for the recent Industrial Assessment completed at the GKN Germantown facility. It is an extremely useful tool to have an objective evaluation of our processes and savings opportunities evaluated by an outside resource as it opens our eyes to areas we may potentially overlook. We are currently focusing on what we felt were high potential projects in your summary of recommendations. Those are the compressed air efficiency, low pressure blow offs, furnace insulation and at some point in early 2015 I plan on revisiting the power factor correction. Over all this was a great experience for GKN. "
- Source: Bob Harry, Mfg. & Facility Engineering Mgr., GKN Sinter Metals, 12/01/2014
"The team from UWM did an outstanding job performing an energy audit of our plant in Allenton WI , finding a potential annual energy cost savings of $ 195 ,000 . The audit was very extensively and professionally done . At the conclusion of the research a very comprehensive report was written and then presented with outstanding explanations. We are currently exploring the implementation of several recommendations . Thank you for the opportunity to participate in the program and please send my Thanks to the team at UWM IAC ."
- Source: John Cleary, Plant Manager, Allcast Inc. LLC, 12/03/2014
Center Director Ryo Amano
Phone # +14142292345
Fax # +14142296958
Mailing Address 3200 N Cramer st EMS 775
Milwaukee, WI 53211
Assistant Director Mohamed Abousabae
Assistant Director Mohammad Qandil
Assistant Director Pradeep Rohatgi
Assistant Director Rafat Elsharef
Assistant Director Saif Al Hamad
University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee has trained 91 students
The following students have participated in IAC assessments with University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee since 2012.
The 49 students (in BOLD) have also been awarded IAC student certificates for exceptional participation.

Abdallah Benelmadjat
Abdel Rahman Salem
Abdelmohsin Al-Bekhayet
Abdullah Jandal
Ahmad Abdel Hadi
Ahmad Ibrahim Abbas
Alaa Hasan
Ali Mohammadi
Amirsaman Hamzeh Bajgiran
Anne Barlas
Anwar Aglan
Arash Kialashaki
Areej khalil
Asma Khasawneh
Brendan Kwick
Brinn Leighton Blum
Caleb Rozema
Cheikh Kada
Chris Bruzas
Chris Zahn
Colin Garnett
Daniel Smith
David Adashek
Divyeshkumar Patel
Elizabeth Ehrke
Ellen Forde
Emad Omrani
Farah Nazifa Nourin
Garrett Roth
Guorong Chen
Hamza ALnawafah
Hani Aldaradkah
Heidi Ranicke
Ibrahim Soliman
Jacob Joseph Mattiol
Jasmine Kaur
Jianyang Li
John Pembroke
Jonathan Robert Fisher
Juan Espindola
Junling Xie
Justin Langwinski
Justin M Quilapio
Karthik Palaniappan
Kelly Kunowski
Lukas John Guillien
Maliha Maisha Rahman
Mandana Sheikhzad Saravani
Marcus McDade
Mayyadah Abuhasheh
Md Tarif Raihan
Melissa Zuengler
Michael Beining
Michael Schulze
Mohamed Abdelaziz Youssef
Mohamed Abousabae
Mohamed Ibrahim Youssef
Mohamed Maache
Mohammad Qandil
Muhannad Rafiq Al-Haddad
Nicholas DiPasquale
Nicholas Gilhaus
Oluwatobi Amida
Omar Alsotary
Omar Habash
Omar Shaker
Osama Elsayed
Parham Mobadersani
Peter Davis
Peter Kinsella
Qais Alnawafah
Qiang Zhai
Rafat Elsharef
Ross Goessl
Ryan Donald
Ryan Wurm-Tran
Saif Al Hamad
Saman Beyhaghi
Sidharth Ashok
Sonu Praneeth Gandam
Sourav Das
Thomas Omwando
Tonghui Li
Walaa Saadeh
Wentao Zou
William Barlas
William Matthew Asma
Yadan Zeng
Yagnaramasubramanian Somayajulu
Yunfan Zhang