Industrial Assessment Centers
Texas A&M, College Station IAC
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Texas A&M, College Station IAC
Center Established 1987
Texas A&M, College Station
Director Bryan Rasmussen
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Texas A&M, College Station
Implementation Grant Funding Opportunity Open
IMPORTANT: The grant program operates on a rolling basis and applications may be submitted at any time, with quarterly reviews.
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Implementation Grant Funding Opportunity Open
Qualifying* small and medium-sized US manufacturers, that received IAC or Combined Heat and Power Technical Assistance Partnership assessments between 2018 and 2024, can now apply for grants for implementation of assessment recommendations up 50% of qualifying* project costs with a maximum of $300,000 per manufacturer.
IMPORTANT: The grant program now operates on a rolling basis and applications may be submitted at any time through the year, with quarterly reviews.
*See Full Grant Solicitation for full qualification and selection details.
IAC Center of the Year: 2002, 2017
Student Research Award Winner: 2012, 2014, 2020

The Texas A&M, College Station Industrial Assessment Center (AM-IAC) provides free energy, productivity, and waste assessments to small and medium-sized industrial facilities through funding provided by the US Department of Energy.

930 Assessments
7,047 Recommendations
8.86 Tbtu Energy Saving*
$107.28 million Cost Savings*
273 Students Trained
*Recommended Savings
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Generic IAC Assessment Activity
Generic IAC Assessment Activity
Generic IAC Assessment Activity
Related Papers & Publications
Guo, F., and Rasmussen, B.P., " Performance Benchmarking of Residential Air Conditioning Systems Using Smart Thermostat Data, Applied Thermal Engineering, vol. 225, May 2023, | AM-IAC
Guo, F., Rogers, A., and Rasmussen, B.P., " Multivariate Fault Detection for Residential HVAC Systems using Cloud-Based Thermostat Data, Part I: Methodology, Science and Technology for the Built Environment, vol. 28, no. 2, pp. 109-120, 2022, | AM-IAC
Noteworthy Feedback
""I was impressed that so much evaluation and pre-work was completed prior to the actual visit. The service was terrific. I was kept informed prior to the visit, the students showed a willingness to help find ways to reduce energy usage for our site, and the reporting was detailed and easy to deciphe..." more
- Source: IAC Client #838, 10/29/2021
""I think it is a great service. It is very interesting and exciting to see what they may come up with to help save energy. We are always looking for ways to improve operations and perform maximum efficiency. Also, we like the opportunity to show our facility and provide a behind-the-scenes look at h..." more
- Source: Nathan Wilde, Temple Belton WWTP, 10/15/2021
""Very informative! Extremely helpful, educational, and very much needed! During day-to-day operations, we overlook the same obvious things, so this has been a fun and profitable use of our time and resources!""
- Source: Nate McLain, Dee Foundries, 10/01/2021
Assessment - Case Studies
AM | Assessment: AM0648
Exercising Efficient Industrial Practices
AM | Assessment: AM0517
Vinyl Flooring: Additional Savings are a Pleasant Surprise
Related Papers & Publications
2 Papers / Publications
Guo, F., and Rasmussen, B.P., " Performance Benchmarking of Residential Air Conditioning Systems Using Smart Thermostat Data, Applied Thermal Engineering, vol. 225, May 2023, | AM-IAC
3 Papers / Publications
Guo, F., Rogers, A., and Rasmussen, B.P., " Multivariate Fault Detection for Residential HVAC Systems using Cloud-Based Thermostat Data, Part I: Methodology, Science and Technology for the Built Environment, vol. 28, no. 2, pp. 109-120, 2022, | AM-IAC
Price, C., Park, D., and Rasmussen, B.P., " Cascaded Control for Building HVAC Systems in Practice, Buildings, vol. 12, no. 11, pp. 1814, Oct. 2022, | AM-IAC
Guo, F., Rogers, A., and Rasmussen, B.P., " Multivariate Fault Detection for Residential HVAC Systems using Cloud-Based Thermostat Data, Part II: Case Studies, Science and Technology for the Built Environment, vol. 28, no. 2, pp. 121-136, 2022, | AM-IAC
2 Papers / Publications
Terrill, T., Kim, T., and Rasmussen, B.P., " Feasibility of Nonintrusive Measurement of Compressed Air Flow with Thermal Responses, Flow Measurement and Instrumentation, vol. 77, Mar. 2021, | AM-IAC
Rogers, A., Guo, F., and Rasmussen, B.P., " An Equilibrium Prediction Method for Control and Fault Detection of Energy Systems, ASCE-ASME Journal of Risk and Uncertainty in Engineering Systems, vol. 7, no. 3, Sept. 2021, | AM-IAC
2 Papers / Publications
Rogers, A., Guo, F., and Rasmussen, B.P., " A Change Point Detection Algorithm with Application to Smart Thermostat Data, ASHRAE Transactions, vol.126, pt. 1, Jan. 2020, | AM-IAC
2 Papers / Publications
Rogers, A., Guo, F., and Rasmussen, B.P., " A Review of Fault Detection and Diagnosis Methods for Residential Air Conditioning Systems, Building and Environment, vol. 161, 106236, Aug. 2019, | AM-IAC
Rogers, A., Guo, F., and Rasmussen, B.P., " Uncertainty Analysis and Field Implementation of a Fault Detection Method for Residential HVAC Systems, Science and Technology for the Built Environment, vol. 26, no. 3, pp. 320-333, Oct. 2019, | AM-IAC
4 Papers / Publications
Rogers, A., and Rasmussen, B.P., " Optimization of the Cool-Down Process for a System of Sintering Furnaces, ASTM Smart and Sustainable Manufacturing, vol. 2, no. 1, pp. 64-86, July 2018, | AM-IAC
Rogers, A., and Rasmussen, B.P., " Opportunities for Consumer-Driven Load Shifting in Commercial and Industrial Buildings, Sustainable Energy, Grids, and Networks, vol. 16, pp. 243-258, Dec. 2018, | AM-IAC
B1) Rasmussen, B.P., Price, C., Koeln, J., Keating, B., and Alleyne, A., " Chapter 4: HVAC System Modeling and Control: Vapor Compression System Modeling and Control, Intelligent Building Control Systems, Springer-Verlag, 2018, | AM-IAC
Koeln, J., Keating, B., and Alleyne, A., Price, C., Rasmussen, B.P., " Chapter 6: Multi-zone Temperature Modeling and Control, Intelligent Building Control Systems, Springer-Verlag, 2018, | AM-IAC
10 Papers / Publications
Rodriguez, E., and Rasmussen, B.P., " A Comparison of Modeling Paradigms for Dynamic Evaporator Simulations with Variable Fluid Phases, Applied Thermal Engineering, vol. 112, pp. 1326-1342, Feb. 2017, | AM-IAC
Bay, C., Terrill, T., and Rasmussen, B.P., " Autonomous Lighting Assessments in Buildings: Part 1 - Robotic Navigation and Mapping, Advances in Building Energy Research, 2017, | AM-IAC
Terrill, T., Bay, C., and Rasmussen, B.P., " Autonomous Lighting Assessments in Buildings: Part 2 - Light Identification and Energy Analysis, Advances in Building Energy Research, 2017, | AM-IAC
Jalal, R.E., and Rasmussen, B.P., " Limited-Communication Distributed Model Predictive Control for Coupled and Constrained Linear Systems, IEEE Transactions Control Systems Technology, 2017, | AM-IAC
Price, C., and Rasmussen, B.P., " Optimal Tuning of Cascaded Control Architectures for Nonlinear HVAC Systems, Science and Technology for the Built Environment, 2017, | AM-IAC
Janecke, A., Terrill T., and Rasmussen, B.P., " A Comparison of Static and Dynamic Fault Detection Techniques for Transcritical Refrigeration, International Journal of Refrigeration, 2017, | AM-IAC
Bay, C., Terrill, T., and Rasmussen, B.P., " Autonomous Robotic Building Energy Audits: Demonstrated Technology and Open Challenges, ASHRAE Transactions, 2017, | AM-IAC
Terrill, T., and Rasmussen, B.P., " A Case Study on How Energy Use and Efficiency in Religious Facilities Compares to Other Types of Commercial Buildings, Proceedings of the 2017 ASHRAE Winter Conference, | AM-IAC
Price, C., and Rasmussen, B.P., " Decoupling of MIMO Systems Using Cascaded Control Architectures with Application for HVAC Systems, Proceedings of the 2017 American Control Conference, | AM-IAC
Rogers, A., and Rasmussen, B.P., " Determining the Optimal Cool-Down for an Industrial Sintering Process, Proceedings of the 2017 American Control Conference, | AM-IAC
11 Papers / Publications
Terrill, T., and Rasmussen, B.P., " An Evaluation of HVAC Energy Usage and Occupant Comfort in Religious Facilities, Energy and Buildings, vol. 128, pp. 224-235, Sept. 2016, | AM-IAC
Gao, K., and Rasmussen, B.P., " Quantifying Efficiency Gains of Refrigeration Systems Using Advanced Expansion Valve Technology, ASHRAE Transactions, ST-16-010, vol. 122, pt. 2, 2016, | AM-IAC
Wang, C., Rasmussen, B.P., and Wynn, K., " Experimental Comparison of Energy Optimal Coordinated Control Strategies for Heat Pump Systems, ASHRAE Transactions, 2016, | AM-IAC
Bay, C. Rani, A., and Rasmussen, B.P., " Control and Optimization of Vapor Compression Systems Using Recursive Estimation, ASHRAE Transactions, ST-16-010, vol. 122, pt. 2, 2016, | AM-IAC
Terrill, T., Morelli, F., and Rasmussen, B.P., " Long-Term Experimental Analysis of Occupancy and Lighting in Religious Facilities, Building and Environment, vol. 98, pp. 1-10, Mar. 2016, | AM-IAC
Rodriguez, E., and Rasmussen, B.P., " A Nonlinear Reduced Order Modeling Method for Dynamic Two-Phase Flow Heat Exchanger Simulations, Science and Technology for the Built Environment, vol. 22, no. 2, 2016, | AM-IAC
Terrill, T., and Rasmussen, B.P., " Quantification of Compressed Air Leakage by Thermal Response, Proceedings of the 2016 Industrial Energy Technology Conference, | AM-IAC
Price, C., and Rasmussen, B.P., " Impact of Common Energy Efficiency Projects on Industrial Emissions Output, Proceedings of the 2016 Industrial Energy Technology Conference, | AM-IAC
Bay, C., and Rasmussen, B.P., " Exploring Controls Education: A Re-configurable Controls Education Kit, Proceedings of the 2016 American Control Conference, | AM-IAC
Jalal, R., and Rasmussen, B.P., " Limited-Communication Distributed Model Predictive Control for Output Feedback Coupled Subsystems, Proceedings of the 2016 American Control Conference, | AM-IAC
Terrill, T., and Rasmussen, B.P., " Intelligent Compressor Control for Reduced Energy Usage, Proceedings of the 2016 ACEEE Intelligent Efficiency Conference, | AM-IAC
12 Papers / Publications
Elliott, M.S., and Rasmussen, B.P, " Optimal Setpoints for HVAC Systems via Iterative Cooperative Neighbor Communication, ASME Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement, and Control, vol 137, no. 1, pp TBD, | AM-IAC
Terrill, T., Morelli, F., and Rasmussen, B.P., " Energy Analysis of Religious Facilities in Different Climates through a Long-Term Energy Study, Energy and Buildings, vol. 108, pp. 72-81, Dec. 2015, | AM-IAC
Chintala, R., Price, C., Liang, S., and Rasmussen, B.P., " Identification and Elimination of Hunting Behavior in HVAC Systems, ASHRAE Transactions, AT-15-024, vol. 121, pt. 2, 2015, | AM-IAC
Parikh, P., and Rasmussen, B.P., " Development of a Fault Detection and Diagnostic Tool for Use in Walk-Through Energy Audits, ASHRAE Transactions, AT-15-023, vol. 121, pt. 2, pp. 281-293, 2015, | AM-IAC
Price, C., Chintala, R., and Rasmussen, B.P., " HVAC Nonlinearity Compensation using Cascaded Control Architectures, ASHRAE Transactions, AT-15-017, vol. 121, pt. 2, 2015, | AM-IAC
Elliott, M.S., and Rasmussen, B.P., " Distributed Predictive Optimization of a Building HVAC System, ASHRAE Transactions, AT-15-015, vol. 121, pt. 2, 2015, | AM-IAC
Parikh, P., and Rasmussen, B.P., " Development of an Automated Fault Detection Tool for Unitary Air Conditioners at Industrial Energy Audits, Proceedings of the 2015 Industrial Energy Technology Conference, | AM-IAC
Jalal, R., and Rasmussen, B.P., " Neighbor-Communication Distributed Model Predictive Control for Coupled and Constrained Subsystems in Networks, Proceedings of the 2015 American Control Conference, | AM-IAC
Terrill, T., and Rasmussen, B.P., " Enhanced Opportunities for Energy Savings in Industrial Facilities through Long-term Monitoring, Proceedings of the 2015 ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Industry, | AM-IAC
Chintala, R., Bay, C., Jalal, R., and Rasmussen, B.P., " Automated Multi-Zone Linear Parametric Black Box Modeling Approach for Building HVAC Systems, Proceedings of the 2015 Dynamic Systems and Control Conference, | AM-IAC
Price, C., and Rasmussen, B.P., " Effective Tuning of Cascaded Control Loops for Nonlinear HVAC Systems, Proceedings of the 2015 Dynamic Systems and Control Conference, | AM-IAC
8 Papers / Publications
Bay, C., Terrill, T., and Rasmussen, B.P, " Autonomous Lighting Audits: Part 1 - Building Navigation and Mapping, Proceedings of the 2014 Dynamic Systems and Control Conference, DSCC2014-6126, San Antonio, TX, | AM-IAC
Terrill, T., Bay, C., and Rasmussen, B.P, " Autonomous Lighting Audits: Part 2 - Light Identification and Analysis, Proceedings of the 2014 Dynamic Systems and Control Conference, DSCC2014-6126, San Antonio, TX, | AM-IAC
Parikh, P., and Rasmussen, B.P, " Impact of Controls-Energy Saving Strategies in Industries, Proceedings of the 2014 Industrial Energy Technology Conference, New Orleans, LA, | AM-IAC
Terrill, T., Bay, C., and Rasmussen, B.P, " Integration of Sensors with Embedded Data Acquisition for Automation of Lighting Analysis, Proceedings of the 2014 Industrial Energy Technology Conference, New Orleans, LA, | AM-IAC
Morelli, F., and Rasmussen, B.P, " Electrical Analysis Tool Suite for Industrial Energy Audits, Proceedings of the 2014 Industrial Energy Technology Conference, New Orleans, LA, | AM-IAC
Price, C., and Rasmussen, B.P, " Compensation of HVAC System Nonlinearities Using Cascaded Control Architecture, Proceedings of the 2014 Dynamic Systems and Control Conference, DSCC2014-6127, San Antonio, TX, | AM-IAC
Chintala, R., Bay, C., and Rasmussen, B.P, " Automated Modeling of Building HVAC Systems for MPC, Proceedings of the 2014 Dynamic Systems and Control Conference, DSCC2014-6224, San Antonio, TX, | AM-IAC
Jalal, R., and Rasmussen, B.P, " Distributed Model Predictive Control for Networks with Limited Control Communication, Proceedings of the 2014 American Control Conference, Portland, OR, | AM-IAC
7 Papers / Publications
Venable, K., Bhatia, D., Coverick, R., Gutierrez, C., Knight, J., McGarry, D., McGee, K., Pate, H., Smith, Z., Terrill, T.J., Vanderford, B., Weiser, R., Wightman, K., Rasmussen, B., " Image Recognition System for Automated Lighting Retrofit Assessment, Industrial Energy Technology Conference Proceedings, | AM-IAC
Morelli, F., Bretschneider, R., Dauzat, J., Guymon, M., Studebaker, J., Rasmussen, B.P, " Optimized Design of a Furnace Cooling System, Industrial Energy Technology Conference Proceedings, | AM-IAC
Terrill, T.J., Brown, M.L., Cheyne Jr., R.W., Cousins, A.J., Daniels, B.P., Erb, K.L., Garcia, P.A., 2Leutermann, M.J., Nel, A.J., Robert, C.L., Widger, S.B., Williams A.G., Rasmussen, B.P, " Identifying Efficiency Degrading Faults in Split Air Conditioning Systems, Industrial Energy Technology Conference Proceedings, | AM-IAC
Morelli, F., Abbarno, N., Bullock, J., Boese, E., Carter, B., Edwards, R., Mulvihill, C., Lapite, O., Mann, D., Purcell, E., and Stein IV, M., Rasmussen, B.P, " Design and Predictive Control of a Net Zero Energy Home, Industrial Energy Technology Conference Proceedings, | AM-IAC
Morelli, F., Halbert, T., 2Hignight, M., Kell, Z., 2Lacy, J., Rasmussen, B.P, " Automated Part Tracking and Metrology Applied to a Manufacturing Process, Industrial Energy Technology Conference Proceedings, | AM-IAC
Elliott, M.S., Bay, C., and Rasmussen, B.P, " Pareto Optimal Setpoints for HVAC Networks via Iterative Nearest Neighbor Communication, Proceedings of the 2013 ASME Dynamic Systems and Control Conference, Palo Alto, CA, | AM-IAC
Elliott, M.S., and Rasmussen, B.P., " Decentralized Model Predictive Control of a Multi-Evaporator Air Conditioning System, Control Engineering Practice, vol. 21, no.12, pp. 1665–1677, Dec. 2013, | AM-IAC
7 Papers / Publications
Rasmussen, B.P, " Review Article: Dynamic Modeling of Vapor Compression Systems - Part I: Literature Review, HVAC&R Research, vol. 18, no. 5, pp. 934-955, Oct. 2012, | AM-IAC
Rasmussen, B.P., and Shenoy, B., " Review Article: Dynamic Modeling of Vapor Compression Systems - Part II: Simulation Tutorial, HVAC&R Research, vol. 18, no. 5, pp. 956-973, | AM-IAC
Sheshadri, S., and Rasmussen, B.P, " Secondary Control Strategies for Cycling of Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Systems, ASHRAE Transactions, SA-12-016, vol. 118, no. 2, | AM-IAC
Liang, S., Rasmussen, B.P., and Kaplan, M., " Multi-Parametric Tuning of Dynamic Air Conditioning Models Using Experimental Data, 2012 Dynamic Systems and Control Conference, Ft. Lauderdale, FL, | AM-IAC
Elliott, M.S., and Rasmussen, B.P., " Neighbor-Communication Model Predictive Control and HVAC Systems, 2012 American Control Conference, Montreal, Canada, | AM-IAC
Elliott, M.S., Estrada, C., and Rasmussen, B.P., " Cascaded Superheat Control with a Multiple Evaporator Refrigeration System, 2011 American Control Conference, San Francisco, CA, | AM-IAC
C20) Kaplan, M., Garrett, M., Rasmussen, B.P., " A Wavelet Decomposition Method for Tuning Thermal Models to Aperiodic Transient Test Data, Proceedings of the 42nd International Conference on Environmental Systems, 2012, | AM-IAC
2 Papers / Publications
Hariharan, N., and Rasmussen, B.P, " Parameter Estimation of Vapor Compression Cycle Models Using Limited Sensor Information, ASHRAE Transactions, ML-11-026, vol. 117, no. 2, pp.746-758, | AM-IAC
Elliott, M.S., Shenoy, B., and Rasmussen, B.P, " A Control Architecture Solution to Superheat Nonlinearity, 2010 American Control Conference, Baltimore, MD, | AM-IAC
4 Papers / Publications
Rasmussen, B.P. and Alleyne, A., " Gain Scheduled Control of an Air Conditioning System Using the Youla Parameterization, IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, vol. 18, no. 5, pp. 1216-1225, Sept., | AM-IAC
Elliott, M.S., and Rasmussen, B.P., " On Reducing Evaporator Superheat Nonlinearity with Control Architecture, International Journal of Refrigeration, vol. 33, no. 3, pp. 607-614, | AM-IAC
Hariharan, N., and Rasmussen, B.P, " Parameter Estimation of HVAC Model with Limited Sensors, 2010 American Control Conference, Baltimore, MD, | AM-IAC
Rasmussen, B.P., and Chang, Y.J., " Stable Controller Interpolation/Controller Switching for LPV Systems, ASME Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement, and Control, vol. 132, no. 1, pp. 1-12, Jan. 2010, | AM-IAC
4 Papers / Publications
Lim, DW, Rasmussen, B.P., and Swaroop, D., " Selecting PID Control Gains for Nonlinear HVAC Systems, HVAC&R Research, vol. 15, no. 6, pp. 991-1020, | AM-IAC
Elliott, M.S., Walton, Z., Bolding, B., and Rasmussen, B.P, " Superheat Control: A Hybrid Approach, HVAC&R Research, vol. 15, no. 6, pp. 1021-1044, | AM-IAC
Elliott, M.S., and Rasmussen, B.P, " Evaporator Superheat Regulation via Emulation of Semi-Active Flow Control, 2009 Dynamic Systems and Control Conference, Hollywood, CA, | AM-IAC
Elliott, M.S., and Rasmussen, B.P, " A Model-Based Predictive Supervisory Controller for Multi-Evaporator HVAC Systems, 2009 American Control Conference, St. Louis, MO, | AM-IAC
5 Papers / Publications
Eldredge, B.D., Rasmussen, B.P., and Alleyne, A., " Moving-Boundary Heat Exchanger Models with Variable Outlet Phase, ASME Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement, and Control, vol. 130, no. 6, | AM-IAC
Elliott, M.S., and Rasmussen, B.P, " Model-Based Predictive Control of a Multi-Evaporator Vapor Compression Cooling Cycle, 2008 American Control Conference, Seattle, WA, | AM-IAC
Gupta, A., and Rasmussen, B.P., " Parameter Tuning of Reduced Order Evaporator Models via Numerical Model Reduction, 2008 American Control Conference, Seattle, WA, | AM-IAC
Chang, Y.J., and Rasmussen, B.P., " Stable Controller Interpolation for LPV Systems, Proceedings of the 2008 American Control Conference, 2008, | AM-IAC
2 Papers / Publications
Eldredge, B., Rasmussen, B., and Alleyne, A., " Automotive Vapor Compression Cycles: Validation of Control-Oriented Models, SAE 2006 Transactions, Journal of Engines, 2006-01-1452, | AM-IAC
Alleyne, A., Rasmussen, B.P., Keir, M., and Eldredge, B.E., " Advances in Energy Systems Modeling and Control, 2007 American Control Conference, New York, NY, | AM-IAC
3 Papers / Publications
Rasmussen, B.P. and Alleyne, A., " Gain Scheduled Control of an Air Conditioning System Using the Youla Parameterization, 2006 American Control Conference, Minneapolis, MN, | AM-IAC
Eldredge, B.D., Rasmussen, B.P., and Alleyne, A., " Automotive Vapor Compression Cycles: Validation of Control-Oriented Models, Society of Automotive Engineers 2006 World Congress, Detroit, Michigan, | AM-IAC
Keir, M.C., Rasmussen, B.P., and Alleyne, A., " Improving Energy Efficiency in Automotive Vapor Compression Cycles through Advanced Control Design, Society of Automotive Engineers 2006 World Congress, Detroit, Michigan, | AM-IAC
4 Papers / Publications
Rasmussen, B.P., Alleyne, A., and Musser, A., " Model-Driven System Identification of Transcritical Vapor Compression Systems, IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, vol. 13, no. 3, pp. 444-451, | AM-IAC
Eldredge, B.D., Rasmussen, B.P., and Alleyne, A., " Vapor Compression Cycles: Control-Oriented Modeling and Validation, 2005 ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress, Orlando, FL, | AM-IAC
Keir, M.C., Rasmussen, B.P., and Alleyne, A., " Parametric Sensitivity Analysis and Model Tuning Applied to Vapor Compression Systems, 2005 ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress, Orlando, FL, | AM-IAC
Rasmussen, B.P. and Alleyne, A., " Stable gain-scheduling on endogenous signals, 2005 American Control Conference, | AM-IAC
4 Papers / Publications
Rasmussen, B.P. and Alleyne, A., " Control-Oriented Modeling of Transcritical Vapor Compression Systems, ASME Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement, and Control, vol. 126, no. 1, pp. 54-64, | AM-IAC
Shah, R., Rasmussen, B.P., and Alleyne, A., " Application of a Multivariable Adaptive Control Strategy to Automotive Air Conditioning Systems, International Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal Processing, vol. 18, no. 2, pp. 199-221, | AM-IAC
Rasmussen, B.P., Alleyne, A., and Musser, A., " Iterative Modeling and Identification of a CO2 Air Conditioning System, 2004 ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress, | AM-IAC
Rasmussen, B.P., Uribe, T., Alleyne, A., and Bullard, C., " Evaluation of Control Strategies for Compressor Rapid Cycling, Society of Automotive Engineers 2004 World Congress, Detroit, Michigan, | AM-IAC
3 Papers / Publications
Rasmussen, B.P., Musser, A., Alleyne, A., Bullard, C., Hrnjak, P., and Miller, N., " A Control-Oriented Model of Transcritical Air-Conditioning System Dynamics, 2002 SAE Transactions Journal of Passenger Cars: Mechanical Systems, pp. 374-381, | AM-IAC
Shah, R., Alleyne, A.G., and Rasmussen, B.P., " Application of Multivariable Adaptive Control to Automotive Air Conditioning Systems, 2003 ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress, | AM-IAC
Rasmussen, B.P., Alleyne, A., and Shah, R., " Reduced Order Modeling of Transcritical AC System Dynamics Using Singular Perturbation, 2003 American Control Conference, Denver, CO, | AM-IAC
1 Papers / Publications
Rasmussen, B., Alleyne, A., Bullard, C., Hrnjak, P., and Miller, N., " Control-Oriented Modeling and Analysis of Automotive Transcritical AC System Dynamics, 2002 American Control Conference, Anchorage, AK, | AM-IAC
Noteworthy Feedback
""I was impressed that so much evaluation and pre-work was completed prior to the actual visit. The service was terrific. I was kept informed prior to the visit, the students showed a willingness to help find ways to reduce energy usage for our site, and the reporting was detailed and easy to decipher.""
- Source: IAC Client #838, 10/29/2021
""I think it is a great service. It is very interesting and exciting to see what they may come up with to help save energy. We are always looking for ways to improve operations and perform maximum efficiency. Also, we like the opportunity to show our facility and provide a behind-the-scenes look at how wastewater plants function.""
- Source: Nathan Wilde, Temple Belton WWTP, 10/15/2021
""Very informative! Extremely helpful, educational, and very much needed! During day-to-day operations, we overlook the same obvious things, so this has been a fun and profitable use of our time and resources!""
- Source: Nate McLain, Dee Foundries, 10/01/2021
""IAC discovered $64k in saving from our electric bills. Additionally, they set the scene for expectations. Excellent program, very knowledgeable team.""
- Source: Eric Crawford, Precision Polymer Engineering, 09/24/2021
""The non-cost energy assessment provided by the IAC Team is an excellent tool that helps us with our continuous improvement sustainability initiatives. We constantly strive to reduce energy and chemical usage at our facility. With this energy assessment service, we are confident that it will assist our ongoing sustainability efforts and bring new ideas to the table.""
- Source: Jacobs, San Marcos WWTP, 07/16/2021
""Excellent team, developed time and efforts to understand our process. It was great to have fresh eyes looking around process and equipment and suggesting some measures for cost-saving.""
- Source: Ellwood Texas Forge, 06/18/2021
""The team arrived ready to start. A good presentation was held along with a good roundtable discussion. The building tour was good with a lot of questions. The initial visit was very good.""
- Source: Joe Guerra, IAC Client #824, 06/11/2021
""I was very impressed with the team of students, as well as professor Eggebrecht. They showed professionalism and vast knowledge of the issues at hand. I'm looking forward to their recommendations.""
- Source: Kaemark Inc., 03/05/2021
"We found it very helpful and actually already developed an action plan from it. Very professional and quick service. Also thorough and we really appreciate it."
- Source: Acuity Brands, 11/20/2020
"We felt it gave new insights to our team. We felt that the team members were professional, prepared, and capable. We would feel comfortable recommending them to other Valmont sites"
- Source: Valmont Industries, 11/20/2020
"Yes, the IAC team gave a thorough account of our current operations. The IAC team has given us 8 significant changes to implement to help change our energy use for the better."
- Source: Lincoln Lumber, 11/20/2020
"Yes, very helpful and informative. Very good! Looking forward to the final report and recommendations, good experience."
- Source: Jim Adams, Control Flow, 11/20/2020
"The team was very prepared and well spoken. They gave me a good understanding of what to expect for the rest of the day. Very professional and informative."
- Source: GW Plastics, 11/20/2020
- Source: Hugh Hartiraous, Rex-Hide, 11/20/2020
"The company would like to thank the group for their time and efforts put towards providing the savings assessment (Plant Mgr.) The presentation and booklets were very detailed and helpful (QA Mgr.) The visit from the group was friendly and professional. (Maint. Dir.)"
- Source: 3 people - plant mgr., QA mgr., & Maint. Dir., Permian Tank, 08/06/2020
"The team did an outstanding job breaking down data and collecting information to provide support and opportunities throughout our facility to help us achieve energy goals. The team seemed very knowledgeable on areas of opportunity and worked well together to be efficient with the time allotted for the assessment."
- Source: Anonymous, Kroger Beaverages, 10/18/2019
"Other plants are looking at doing the same thing with colleges in their area. This assessment was very helpful and opened our eyes to look for other places we can save."
- Source: Gerald Carter, Valmont, 06/03/2020
""I feel the service provided was very thorough and professional. All personnel was very personable and informative on their processes." 7/15/2020 feedback on implementation: We will be looking to apply for the sales tax exemption at our Wisconsin facility."
- Source: IAC Client #792, 08/30/2019
""The service provided by the IAC Team was excellent. Personally, I would recommend that every plant should do energy study annually to reduce their energy usage to make tomorrow a better day. As far as evaluation is concerned, we are already very impressed with Mr.James and his team. They come up with new ideas & that is what we really liked about this study. Moreover, Mr. James guided us really well regarding some policies which are very useful for a company from the financial point of view. All and all, It was a great work performed by IAC Team and we would love to see them again after a year. Thank you.""
- Source: IAC Client #791, 08/16/2019
""They are a knowledgeable and professional group that has the potential to help companies across industries reduce their energy costs.""
- Source: IAC Client #789, 07/19/2019
""Very good made us realize lots of places we can tighten up and get our savings!""
- Source: KT Bolt, 07/12/2019
"Excellent! Great ideas and look forward to report."
- Source: International Paper, IAC Client #784, 03/29/2019
"Good the team was very thorough and came up with a wide variety of suggestions."
- Source: Anonymous, IAC Client #779, 02/08/2019
""Great start. Looking forward to what saving are possible.""
- Source: John Crane Inc, IAC Client #778, 02/01/2019
"In general the ideas conveyed during the closing meeting are interesting. I anticipate the full report to be able to digest the recommendations and to evaluate if they can be successful at our facility. Overall, there were a number of ideas that if cost effective, will allow us to significantly reduce our utility consumptions."
- Source: L. B. Pipe and Coupling, IAC Client #777, 01/25/2019
"The team identified a couple of very good improvement opportunities for the plant. We have adopted them as continuous improvement projects for implementation and assigned personnel to oversee them."
- Source: Anonymous, IAC Client #776, 01/18/2019
"A+, The students were engaged and attentive. Very Thoughtful and several very good ideas were brought up."
- Source: StarCorr Sheet, IAC Client #775, 01/11/2019
"Very good and well mannered team. We appreciate your ability to gather information and evaluate our facility and process with little to no interruptions. Thanks again for being mindful of all our safety protocol and guidelines. "
- Source: Anonymous , IAC Client #772, 10/18/2018
"They were very detailed and provided useful suggestions."
- Source: Anonymous, IAC Client #771, 10/05/2018
"The whole team seems very knowledgeable and seem to have a passion for the subject. Everyone was very friendly and respectful. When heading into the plant they made sure they understood & followed all of our policies. Very efficient and timely when gathering the data needed."
- Source: Anonymous, IAC Client #747, 11/20/2017
"Having a team with varying levels of surveying experience really allows the professor and more experienced students to guide the audit while providing the students "less" experience with the opportunity to ask questions, point out things that may have otherwise been overlooked, and learn. I believe [Company Name] is very pleased with the thoroughness of the whole IAC team."
- Source: Anonymous, IAC Client #746, 11/06/2017
"I am excited to see the end result and see how feasible all the recommendations are. I think there is a huge opportunity for savings here that we have overlooked because we are busy or don't know."
- Source: Quinton Boles, IAC Client #744, 11/06/2017
"The services provided were very helpful. The team did an exceptional job in evaluating our process and looking into all of our electrical usage."
- Source: Anonymous, IAC Client #724, 11/01/2016
"I believe its a great service that can help facilities educate themselves with energy savvy tips & information."
- Source: Kenneth Muller, Chicago Bridge & Iron, 10/20/2016
"They were very professional and accurate."
- Source: John Adams, IAC Client #719, 10/05/2016
"I always like to have a fresh set of eyes looking for ways to improve. New concepts & thoughts drive improvement & spur success."
- Source: Anonymous, IAC Client #713, 11/06/2017
"Great. All members were knowledgeable. Provided with helpful explanations & great feedback."
- Source: Anonymous, WNA Houston, 03/11/2016
"Very professional. Team was very thorough and gave great suggestions. Was impressed with the knowledge base of the team."
- Source: Greg Horney, Frankston Packaging, 03/11/2016
"The team, in my short stint, looks to be very courteous and conscientious in their work and presentation. I look forward to the outcome of this project."
- Source: Bobby Rikloff, VP of Operations, East West Copolymer, 03/11/2016
"Very pleasant and professional group of students. It was a pleasure working with Mr. Eggebrecht and his team. We are looking forward to seeing the final report. It is great to have a team with a fresh set of eyes look at our process and recommend improvements!"
- Source: Anonymous, IAC Client #699, 03/11/2016
"Excellent. Every member was polite, helpful, and very well educated."
- Source: Anonymous, BMC Millwork West , 03/11/2016
""The report opened our eyes to things we can do.""
- Source: Richard Penney, Plant Engineer, Merit Medical Systems Inc., 06/17/2015
""I feel fortunate to have had the assessment, and I use the calculations in my budget justifications, etc.""
- Source: Mike Murray, Plant Engineer, PACTIV, 08/26/2015
""The report was a great job, very comprehensive.""
- Source: Nancy Caperton, Plant Manager, US Silica, 07/08/2015
"The report was very professional and self-explanatory"
- Source: John Wartella, QA/QC/EHS Manager, RPM Services, 05/12/2015
"The report was pretty straight forward."
- Source: Dave Wilken, Plant Engr, Crown Cork and Seal, 05/06/2015
"The students interacted well, were knowledgable, and I can't brag on them enough, and I was very impressed with them."
- Source: Tom McLemore, General Manager, Mississippi Baking Company, 04/09/2015
"The report was very informative and the crew was very good."
- Source: Derrick Pierce, Vice President, General Shelters of Texas, 04/13/2015
"The report was pretty self-explanatory, more detailed than what we expected, easily understood."
- Source: Patrick Elles, Plant Engr, Jeld-Wen Doors, 03/26/2015
"This report was a pretty thorough job."
- Source: Joseph Cook, Plant Engr, Chemical Lime, 02/17/2015
"It was beneficial to have a third party look at our operations with another set of eyes."
- Source: Nathan Markert, Operations manager, National Oilwell - Varco Rolligon, 02/02/2015
"The report was very good and self-explanatory."
- Source: Nitin Gokhale, Plant Manager, BWay Corporation, 02/05/2015
"The report was thorough, and let us know where we could save some money."
- Source: Jerry Dickey, Maintenance Supervisor, Sanderson Farms, 11/20/2014
"The report was very well done, we work through some of the same calculations in our work, and I was able to follow the recommendations."
- Source: Tom Allison, Technical Manager, PACTIV Corp, 10/29/2015
"The report was very helpful, and we are building a second building on the site and incorporating these recommendations into the design of the new building."
- Source: Shawn Anderson, Engineer, Caspers Ice Cream, 09/10/2015
"The info in the report was pretty clearly written."
- Source: Scott Jarvis, Engineer, Pacific States Cast Iron Pipe Company, 08/15/2014
"The good news from the report to me was that there were no bigger items missing of the things we should be doing. The report was very thorough and good."
- Source: Richard Scherer, CFO, Technical Chemical USA Inc., 06/25/2014
"We really appreciate the study, it opened our eyes to things that day to day we were overlooking."
- Source: Tim Trame, Production Mgr, Baumann Springs, 06/04/2014
"The explanations in the report were really good."
- Source: Tom Fessenden, SHEQ Mgr., Mauser Group, 05/29/2014
""What you guys did was really good.""
- Source: Tracy Salveson, Plant Engineer, ICON Health and Fitness, 06/19/2014
""The guys did a great job, and it was a good report. It dove down and showed us what we needed to do.""
- Source: Charles Chaney, Corning Cable Systems, 05/07/2014
""The report was highly detailed...and the students did a really great job of finding ideas to conserve energy.""
- Source: John Snyder, Plant Engineer, Gardner Denver Water Jetting Systems, 01/13/2014
""This was very valuable for us as it validated our thinking and provided justification in the capital budgeting process we undergo.""
- Source: Pilo Garcia, Plant Manager, Coca-Cola San Antonio, 12/18/2013
""The report was great, and I could easily understand it. The report was passed to our other plant sites and to corporate offices and received good comments by several engineers who reviewed it. A directive was put out that 'if your plant has this type of operation you should be implementing these recommendations.'""
- Source: Debbie Hurlbut, EHS Manager, Mauser Corporation, 10/16/2013
""The report provided help to convince management on several recommendations. The report was very professional and well written.""
- Source: Eric Eilers, VP Engineering, Glasscraft Door Corporation, 10/21/2013
""I was able to read and understand the report, and it was very well done.""
- Source: Richard Arwood, Group Manager, Jeld-Wen Doors, 07/05/2013
""The assessment went well, and we have made a big push to institute scheduled maintenance, and hired a full time maintenance guy to get things started.""
- Source: Stephen Engbrock, Project Manager, Third Coast Packaging, 06/15/2013
Center Director Bryan Rasmussen
Phone # +19798622176
Mailing Address 3123 TAMU
College Station, TX 77843
Other Carlos Yagua
Assistant Director Mahmoud Abido
Assistant Director Matthew Elliott
Texas A&M, College Station has trained 273 students
The following students have participated in IAC assessments with Texas A&M, College Station since 2003, when student name tracking began.
The 164 students (in BOLD) have also been awarded IAC student certificates for exceptional participation.

Aalap Ashtamkar
Abdulhafeez Akintoye Oyetunde
Abhishek Pal
Adam Groenhuyzen
Adharsh Adepalli
Adithya Athreya
Agustin Costabella
Akshat Jain
Alfredo Flores
Amber Tucker
Amy Anderson
Amy Li
Amy Shaklovitz
Ananya Ravi
Andres Quintanilla
Andrew Hanegan
Andrew Phelan
Anthony Sanchez
Asha Shibu
Ashish Mahesh Wani
Austin Cantrell
Austin Rogers
Austin Rogers
Austin Teague
Becca Millican Fleming
Ben Afflerbach
Ben Daitz
Ben Fisher
Bennett Kumbalek
Bibin Daniel
Brad Vandeford
Brandon Sheneman
Brandon Yaw
Brenna Wright
Brian Jahn
Brianna Pratt
Brittney Gage
Bruno Penagos
Bryan Book
Bryan Calleros
Bryan Smith
Caleb McDougal
Cameron Ellis
Candace Kessel
Carlos Davila
Carlos Valles
Carter Wienert
Casity Reneau
Chanh Chau
Chellie Henckel
Chellie Nichols
Cheryl Carouth Feinstein
Cheryl Keel
Chetan Kiran Sai Sathivada
Chris Belosic
Chris Cassidy
Chris McKeon
Chris Price
Christian Aycinena
Christian Delvalle
Christie Brown
Clay Bonnot
Clifford Aigbotsua
Collin Fleming
Crystal Torres
Damon Peterson
Daniel Moore
Darpan Chorghe
Darshan Zambre
David Bell
David Huitink
Davis Karwoski
Deepashri Prashant Joshi
Deokgeun Park
Desereà Wirtz
Dhyan Dharmesh Patel
Digvijaysinh Barad
Duaa Nasikwala
Dushyant Chaudhari
Edwin Pete
Elizabeth Webre
Ellen Geis
Emiliano Vivanco
Emmanuel Wornyoh
Erik Oberoi
Esteban A Lopez Gamez
Faysal Altaher
Fernando Zucolotto
Francisco Portillo
Franco Morelli
Gabriel Cruz
Garrett Hallmark
Gazi Amena Noor Lamisha
Geoffrey Garner
German Gonzalez
Grant Wilson
Guadalupe Estrada
Guadalupe Zuniga
Hannah Zumwalt
Harsimran Singh
Henry Campbell
Humberto Zavarce
Hunter Brown
Ian West
Irina Popova
Iyabo Lawal
Ja Eun Koo
Jackie Michalka
Jackson Jarman
Jacob Kasper
Jacob Swan
Jacquelin Chen
James Kunkel
James Young
Jason Brelsford
Jatziry Teran
Jeet Ghanshyambhai Khanpara
Jeff Sams
Jefferson Lee
Jeffrey Young
Jenna Hopper
Jennifer Abbarno
Jennifer Koop
Jeremy McDowell
Joel Stanwood
Joey Beierle
John Hathaway
John Houdek
John McKelvey
John Peterman
Jonathan Simpson
Jordan Buechler
Jorge Mijares
Jose Bendana
Jose Mojica
Joseph Freeman
Joseph Menna
Joseph Tang
Joshua Abella
Juan Valles
Kaimi Gao
Kaleena Ebert
Kara Bocock
Keeley Coburn
Kelvin Singleton
Kevin Feng
Kevin Trevino
Kim Babcock
Kira Lee
Kirk Hambleton
Kishorre Annanth Vijayan
Kolby Burmaster
Kunal Kanoi
Kushan Buddhika Abeyawardhane
Kyle Kempf
Kyle Priest
Laura Homiller
Laura Smith
Lauren Cassidy
Leslie L Riojas
Luke Hargrove
Malcolm Stein
Manav Kothari
Mani Koshy
Manu Anupkumar Karthiayani
Marcus Omori Yano
Marcus Thackeray
Margaret Greenough
Mark Cordes
Mark Felder
Martin Ssembatya
Mason Parsons
Matt Jackson
Matthew Hays
Matthew Stahr
Matthias Zerza
Mazen Ali
Meet Patel
Megan Valant
Michael Carrillo
Michael Krutak
Michelle Chen
Michelle Nichols
Mindy McDaniel
Mitch Bible
Mitch Walters
Mohammad Nemer
Molly Johnson
Nathan Meredith
Nathaniel Smith
Navaneeth Kuncham
Neal Lynch
Nicholas Hernandez
Nick Seidemann
Nicole Risenger
Nithin Prasad
Noah Hankinson
Oluwaseyi Lapite
Om Sukhadia
Panchami Menon
Patrick Conroy
Patrick Timmons
Peter Chung
Prahlad Kalidas
Preston Howard
Priyam Parikh
Rafael J. Dugarte
Ramon Anaya
Randle Neuvar
Randy Kelley
Randy Miles
Reagan Wiggs
Robert Coens
Robert Miller
Robert Pyle Shoemaker
Robert Reed
Rohit Chintala
Ronak Patil
Russell Cox
Ryan Edwards
Ryan Kelley
Saddam de Figueiredo
Sai Vamsi Appari
Samantha Mersman
Samuel Helgren
Saurabh Shekhadar
Sean Casey
Selena Manzano
Shambhavi Singh
Shane Potter
Sharon Rebecca Maria
Shawn Yates
Shea Kirwin
Shejin Thomas Symon
Shreyas Sathaye
Shubham Chitkara
Shy Tatum
Siva Sankar Ambati
Smit Shah
Songlin Xie
Steven Ballance
Stuart Powell
Sudikshya Bhandari
Taeksoo Kim
Tapajyoti Sen
Taqi Hussain
Tatyana Atherley
Tejaswi Petluri
Temi Balugon
Thomas Cochran
Thomas Kerr
Thomas Vest
Travis Genz
Travis Hall
Travis Jones
Travis Pyle
Travis Warren
Trevor Terrill
Trey Boehm
Trey Brown
Tyler Lachlan Bagby
Vatsal Bhuva
Victor Hida
Victor Rodriguez Duenas
Vinayak Nair
W. D. Turner
Walt Prudhomme
Will Schneider
William Pollard
Yasaman Ahmadi
Zac Rosenbaum
Zachary Ashwell
Zoe Humphreys