Implementation Grant Funding Opportunity Open
IMPORTANT: The grant program operates on a rolling basis and applications may be submitted at any time, with quarterly reviews.
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Implementation Grant Funding Opportunity Open
Qualifying* small and medium-sized US manufacturers, that received IAC or Combined Heat and Power Technical Assistance Partnership assessments between 2018 and 2024, can now apply for grants for implementation of assessment recommendations up 50% of qualifying* project costs with a maximum of $300,000 per manufacturer.
IMPORTANT: The grant program now operates on a rolling basis and applications may be submitted at any time through the year, with quarterly reviews.
*See Full Grant Solicitation for full qualification and selection details.
North Carolina State is no longer an active IAC Center
NC-IAC is no longer active
IAC Center of the Year: 2006
The North Carolina State Industrial Assessment Center (NC-IAC) provides free energy, productivity, and waste assessments to small and medium-sized industrial facilities through funding provided by the US Department of Energy.
668 | Assessments |
5,176 | Recommendations |
9.90 | Tbtu Energy Saving* |
$107.45 | million Cost Savings* |
121 | Students Trained |

Recent Case Studies
Related Papers & Publications
Worsham, Elizabeth; Terry, SD,
Pulp and Paper Mill Steady State Analysis for Carbon Neutral Integration of a Small Modular Reactor,
ASME Power 2020,
Worsham, Elizabeth; Terry, SD;,
Preliminary Design of a Flexible Heat Exchanger for Steam Generation in an SMR Module,
American Nuclear Society Student Meeting,
Worsham, Elizabeth; Thomas, Alexander; and Terry, SD,
Revenue maximization for a groundwater desalination plant and small modular reactor coupling,
ASME Power, 2019,
Noteworthy Feedback
"Good morning Steve,
We are almost 100% back up and running! We have read through the report provided by you and your students and I’ve began looking into your recommendations.
After talking with a business energy advisor at DEP, it looks like we will be able to opt-out of both of those riders..."
- Source: Christina Coley, Facility Engineer, 02/16/2021
- Source: Christina Coley, Facility Engineer, 02/16/2021
"Dr. Terry, thank you for visiting this week, it was a pleasure having you and your team on our campus. The program you run, aside from being a benefit the manufacturing community is a great opportunity for the students to see what reality is ahead of them heading out into the world to make it a bett..."
- Source: 06/30/2017
- Source: 06/30/2017
"E3 program making presentation on total survey package - including energy survey. Positive comments from IES."
- Source: Anna Mangum, E3 Coordinator, NCSU Industrial Extension Service, 12/04/2014
- Source: Anna Mangum, E3 Coordinator, NCSU Industrial Extension Service, 12/04/2014
Assessment - Case Studies
Related Papers & Publications
2 Papers / Publications
Worsham, Elizabeth; Terry, SD,
Pulp and Paper Mill Steady State Analysis for Carbon Neutral Integration of a Small Modular Reactor,
ASME Power 2020,
Worsham, Elizabeth; Terry, SD;,
Preliminary Design of a Flexible Heat Exchanger for Steam Generation in an SMR Module,
American Nuclear Society Student Meeting,
2 Papers / Publications
Worsham, Elizabeth; Thomas, Alexander; and Terry, SD,
Revenue maximization for a groundwater desalination plant and small modular reactor coupling,
ASME Power, 2019,
Worsham, Elizabeth; Thomas, Alexander; and Terry, SD,
Electric Load Following of a Small Modular Reactor Using a Groundwater Desalination Plant,
Industrial Energy Technology Conference,
1 Papers / Publications
Frick, Konor; Misenheimer, Corey; Doster, J Michael, Terry, Stephen; Bragg-Sitton, Shannon,
Thermal Energy Storage Configurations for Small Modular Reactor Load Shedding,
Nuclear Technology, 2018,
3 Papers / Publications
Misenheimer, C and Terry, SD,
Modeling Hybrid Nuclear Systems with Chilled-Water Storage,
ASME Journal of Energy Resources Technology,
Jan 2017,
Oluwami, A and Terry SD,
Hybridization and Optimization of Gas Turbine for Compressed Air Energy Storage System (Computer Modeling and Simulation),
2017 IETC Conference,
New Orleans, LA,
June 2017,
Misenheimer, CT and Terry, SD,,
The Development of a Dynamic Single Effect, Lithium Bromide Absorption Chiller Model with Enhanced Generator Fidelity,
Energy Conversion and Management,
1 Papers / Publications
Using Outside Air for Flooded Oil Screw Compressors at an Industrial Facility,
Proceedings of the Industrial Energy Technology Conference,
1 Papers / Publications
Brown, C.D; Leach, J.W.; Terry, S.D,
Evaporative Air Conditioning in a Manufacturing Facility,
Energy Engineering; 199, 96 (4); 40-58,
2 Papers / Publications
Justin Gibides; Ryan Nester; Stephen Terry; Herbert Eckerlin,
An evaluation of the losses and costs associated with coal versus natural gas firing at a north Carolina textile finishing plant,
Energy Engineering: Journal of the Association of Energy Engineering,
N.J. Moore; S.D. Terry; K.M. Lyons,
Flame hysteresis effects in methane jet flames in air-coflow,
Journal of Energy Resources Technology, Transactions of the ASME,
1 Papers / Publications
Lewis, NB; Simon, MJ; Terry, SD,
Industrial Heat Pumps – A Reexamination in Light of Current Energy Trends,
Industrial Energy Technology Conference,
New Orleans, LA,
Noteworthy Feedback
"Good morning Steve,
We are almost 100% back up and running! We have read through the report provided by you and your students and I’ve began looking into your recommendations.
After talking with a business energy advisor at DEP, it looks like we will be able to opt-out of both of those riders. DEP estimates that by opting out of the EE rider that we will save about $11,600/year.
We truly appreciate you all for taking the time to gather data and create this report for us. It has definitely been beneficial."
- Source: Christina Coley, Facility Engineer, 02/16/2021
"Dr. Terry, thank you for visiting this week, it was a pleasure having you and your team on our campus. The program you run, aside from being a benefit the manufacturing community is a great opportunity for the students to see what reality is ahead of them heading out into the world to make it a better place. I am personally jealous that we did not have such a thing back in my day. "
- Source: 06/30/2017
"E3 program making presentation on total survey package - including energy survey. Positive comments from IES."
- Source: Anna Mangum, E3 Coordinator, NCSU Industrial Extension Service, 12/04/2014
Last Available Contact Information
Center Director | Dr. Stephen Terry |
---|---| | |
Phone # | +19195151878 |
Fax # | +19195157968 |
Mailing Address |
1840 Entrepreneur Drive, Campus Box 7910 Raleigh, NC 27695 |
Assistant Director | Dr. Brendan O'Connor |
North Carolina State has trained 121 students
The following students have participated in IAC assessments with North Carolina State since
2003, when student name tracking began.
The 53 students (in BOLD) have also been awarded IAC student certificates for exceptional participation.
The 53 students (in BOLD) have also been awarded IAC student certificates for exceptional participation.
Abraham Harman
Adefolaolumani Odeniyi
Alan Briggs
Alexander Thomas
Alexander Viola
Andrew Forrest
Andrew Lawson
Andrew Murphy
Andrew Phillips
Anvay Joshi
B. J. Meier
Ben Nichols
Benjamin Cox
Blake Chestnut
Brandon Hines
Brent Jason Theiling
Brett Ross
Brock Frisbee
Bryan Roy
C Rebecca Woltz
Caitlyn Taylor
Chaitanya Sonawala
Chris Georgoulius
Chris Germaine
Christine Maurer
Christopher Belton
Christopher Hodrick
Corey Misenheimer
Craig Hums
Crystine Good
Daniel Christy
Daniel Paprocki
David Gunderson
David Hughes
David Hunt
David Wilson
Deanna Silsby
Dolanimi Ogunkoya
Ed Hollar
Elizabeth Harrington
Elizabeth Worsham
Elton Dale Cranford
Emily Solis
Erica O'Donnel
Evan McConnell
Garrett Raper
Gopal Chaudry
Hannah Pifer
Harrison Kesling
Harsha Holalu Ramakrishna
Harshdeep Ahluwalia
Hurtford Smith
Jackson Wooten
Jacob Freeman
Jacob Jay
Jacob Walgenbach
James Turner
Jason Reichow
Jay Bate
Jesse Gyongyos
John Adam Pate
John Bear
John Nickels
Jonathan Drum
Jonathan Hill
Josh Poole
Josh Powell
Joshua Pope
Juliet Simpson
Justin Gibides
Justin Linke
Justin Ng
Kalyan Palaparthy
Kate Patterson
Kevin Linke
Kiran Thirumaran
Kristine Kesling
Laura Williams
Logan Greer
Ludmilla Nikitina
Lynn Albers
M Tucker Daniels
Matthew Laney
Michael Simon
Mike Geci
Myra Manning
Natalie MacDonald
Nathan Block
Nathaniel Lewis
Nicholas Llewelyn
Nicholas Stogner
Nicole Harvey
Nyawira Nyota
Olivia Gartz
Panth Naik
Paul Mobley
Philip Miller
Phillip Hatcher
Raymond Lancaster
Robin Locke
Ryan Nester
Ryan Parry
Ryan Springer
Ryan Staton
Sanjyot Varade
Sarah Meiers
Sarath Babu
Saurabh Ray
Scott Hays
Scott Parker
Stephen Carlton
Stephen Taylor
Stephen Terry
Taylor Atkins
Trevor Ferguson
Walter Bright
Wendy Johnson
William Best
William Buescher
Winfred Locus
Zachary Foster