Implementation Grant Funding Opportunity Open
IMPORTANT: The grant program operates on a rolling basis and applications may be submitted at any time, with quarterly reviews.
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Implementation Grant Funding Opportunity Open
Qualifying* small and medium-sized US manufacturers, that received IAC or Combined Heat and Power Technical Assistance Partnership assessments between 2018 and 2024, can now apply for grants for implementation of assessment recommendations up 50% of qualifying* project costs with a maximum of $300,000 per manufacturer.
IMPORTANT: The grant program now operates on a rolling basis and applications may be submitted at any time through the year, with quarterly reviews.
*See Full Grant Solicitation for full qualification and selection details.
matching recommendationsSIC | 228 | Yarn And Thread Mills |
Row Colors Legend |
no implementation information |
Implemented |
NOT Implemented |
ID | # | Year | Products | Savings | Cost | Status |
WV0614 # 04 Y:2021 | 04 | 2021 | UTILIZE HIGHER EFFICIENCY LAMPS AND/OR BALLASTS | $13,396 | $38,385 | Implemented |
WV0614 # 02 Y:2021 | 02 | 2021 | UPGRADE CONTROLS ON COMPRESSORS | $37,679 | $34,222 | Not Implemented |
WV0614 # 01 Y:2021 | 01 | 2021 | USE ADJUSTABLE FREQUENCY DRIVE OR MULTIPLE SPEED MOTORS ON EXISTING SYSTEM | $399,970 | $573,165 | Not Implemented |
WV0614 # 05 Y:2021 | 05 | 2021 | DEVELOP A REPAIR/REPLACE POLICY | $7,526 | $5,317 | Implemented |
LE0514 # 06 Y:2021 | 06 | 2021 | USE ADJUSTABLE FREQUENCY DRIVE OR MULTIPLE SPEED MOTORS ON EXISTING SYSTEM | $9,274 | $37,000 | Not Implemented |
LE0514 # 01 Y:2021 | 01 | 2021 | ELIMINATE LEAKS IN INERT GAS AND COMPRESSED AIR LINES/ VALVES | $1,744 | $200 | Implemented |
LE0514 # 05 Y:2021 | 05 | 2021 | CONVERT COMBUSTION EQUIPMENT TO BURN NATURAL GAS | $3,549 | $13,500 | Not Implemented |
LE0514 # 04 Y:2021 | 04 | 2021 | USE ADJUSTABLE FREQUENCY DRIVE OR MULTIPLE SPEED MOTORS ON EXISTING SYSTEM | $5,301 | $19,000 | Not Implemented |
LE0514 # 03 Y:2021 | 03 | 2021 | INSTALL COMPRESSOR AIR INTAKES IN COOLEST LOCATIONS | $384 | $1,200 | Implemented |
LE0514 # 02 Y:2021 | 02 | 2021 | UTILIZE HIGHER EFFICIENCY LAMPS AND/OR BALLASTS | $4,099 | $7,600 | Implemented |
NC0625 # 02 Y:2019 | 02 | 2019 | ELIMINATE LEAKS IN INERT GAS AND COMPRESSED AIR LINES/ VALVES | $2,983 | $428 | Implemented |
NC0625 # 03 Y:2019 | 03 | 2019 | USE / PURCHASE OPTIMUM SIZED COMPRESSOR | $13,098 | $50,000 | Implemented |
NC0625 # 04 Y:2019 | 04 | 2019 | AVOID INTRODUCING HOT, HUMID, OR DIRTY AIR INTO HVAC SYSTEM | $2,107 | $3,000 | Not Implemented |
NC0625 # 05 Y:2019 | 05 | 2019 | INSTALL OUTSIDE AIR DAMPER / ECONOMIZER ON HVAC UNIT | $4,120 | $5,000 | Not Implemented |
NC0625 # 01 Y:2019 | 01 | 2019 | UTILIZE HIGHER EFFICIENCY LAMPS AND/OR BALLASTS | $9,633 | $59,736 | Implemented |
NC0614 # 01 Y:2018 | 01 | 2018 | UTILIZE HIGHER EFFICIENCY LAMPS AND/OR BALLASTS | $10,207 | $42,729 | Not Implemented |
NC0614 # 06 Y:2018 | 06 | 2018 | METER RECYCLED WATER (TO REDUCE SEWER CHARGES) | $5,876 | $2,450 | Not Implemented |
NC0614 # 07 Y:2018 | 07 | 2018 | RECOVER AND REUSE COOLING WATER | $2,197 | $3,000 | Not Implemented |
NC0614 # 05 Y:2018 | 05 | 2018 | REDUCE THE PRESSURE OF COMPRESSED AIR TO THE MINIMUM REQUIRED | $582 | $100 | Not Implemented |
NC0614 # 03 Y:2018 | 03 | 2018 | ELIMINATE LEAKS IN INERT GAS AND COMPRESSED AIR LINES/ VALVES | $2,801 | $200 | Implemented |
NC0614 # 02 Y:2018 | 02 | 2018 | INSTALL OCCUPANCY SENSORS | $190 | $350 | Implemented |
NC0614 # 04 Y:2018 | 04 | 2018 | ELIMINATE OR REDUCE COMPRESSED AIR USAGE | $658 | $2,700 | Not Implemented |
UA0194 # 04 Y:2018 | 04 | 2018 | INSTALL TIMERS AND/OR THERMOSTATS | $22,999 | $0 | Implemented |
UA0194 # 05 Y:2018 | 05 | 2018 | REPLACE BOILER | $41,312 | $190,000 | Not Implemented |
UA0194 # 03 Y:2018 | 03 | 2018 | INSTALL MOTOR VOLTAGE CONTROLLER ON LIGHTLY LOADED MOTORS | $65,495 | $71,371 | Not Implemented |