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Implementation Grant Funding Opportunity Open
IMPORTANT: The grant program operates on a rolling basis and applications may be submitted at any time, with quarterly reviews.
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Implementation Grant Funding Opportunity Open
Qualifying* small and medium-sized US manufacturers, that received IAC or Combined Heat and Power Technical Assistance Partnership assessments between 2018 and 2024, can now apply for grants for implementation of assessment recommendations up 50% of qualifying* project costs with a maximum of $300,000 per manufacturer.
IMPORTANT: The grant program now operates on a rolling basis and applications may be submitted at any time through the year, with quarterly reviews.
*See Full Grant Solicitation for full qualification and selection details.


matching assessments
SIC 251 Household Furniture
ID Year Products Reccs Plant Energy Costs Recommended Savings
MA0572 2005
MA0572 | 2005
Wood furniture
9 $229,170 $78,089
LM0089 2005
LM0089 | 2005
6 $16,201 $37,347
LE0202 2004
LE0202 | 2004
Upholestered Furniture
6 $173,376 $30,534
AS0386 2004
AS0386 | 2004
Mattresses and Bedsprings
7 $298,916 $28,761
MS0254 2004
MS0254 | 2004
Upholstered Furniture
9 $197,484 $192,141
MS0251 2004
MS0251 | 2004
Wooden Furniture
10 $423,004 $42,101
OK0683 2004
OK0683 | 2004
Outdoor Patio Furniture
7 $232,426 $67,458
LM0073 2004
LM0073 | 2004
Steel Bed Frames and Parts
12 $553,794 $318,390
MS0245 2004
MS0245 | 2004
Furniture/bedding fiber
8 $390,157 $104,033
OK0679 2004
OK0679 | 2004
Commercial and Residential Furniture
8 $737,691 $99,936
SU0171 2004
SU0171 | 2004
6 $635,704 $33,858
CO0536 2003
CO0536 | 2003
Finished household furniture
7 $93,094 $71,989
MS0238 2003
MS0238 | 2003
Wooden Furniture
8 $404,646 $39,367
MS0237 2003
MS0237 | 2003
Upholstered Wooden Furniture
7 $727,915 $64,586
MS0227 2003
MS0227 | 2003
Wooden Furniture
6 $345,614 $35,460
MA0535 2003
MA0535 | 2003
Wood furniture
13 $1,485,569 $579,216
SU0162 2003
SU0162 | 2003
Casual resin furniture, wall décor
6 $923,869 $137,123
SU0150 2003
SU0150 | 2003
Corrugated shipping containers
8 $466,636 $13,478
SU0142 2002
SU0142 | 2002
7 $667,676 $362,801
LM0043 2002
LM0043 | 2002
television plastic cabinets
6 $496,700 $37,908
MS0210 2002
MS0210 | 2002
Comerical furniture
6 $351,560 $30,749
GT0737 2002
GT0737 | 2002
mattresses, box springs
6 $72,396 $4,951
SD0299 2002
SD0299 | 2002
Wrought iron furniture
16 $138,793 $231,732
LM0038 2002
LM0038 | 2002
television plastic cabinets
8 $168,546 $81,190
NC0240 2002
NC0240 | 2002
Case good furniture
6 $291,027 $116,127