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Implementation Grant Funding Opportunity Open
IMPORTANT: The grant program operates on a rolling basis and applications may be submitted at any time, with quarterly reviews.
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Implementation Grant Funding Opportunity Open
Qualifying* small and medium-sized US manufacturers, that received IAC or Combined Heat and Power Technical Assistance Partnership assessments between 2018 and 2024, can now apply for grants for implementation of assessment recommendations up 50% of qualifying* project costs with a maximum of $300,000 per manufacturer.
IMPORTANT: The grant program now operates on a rolling basis and applications may be submitted at any time through the year, with quarterly reviews.
*See Full Grant Solicitation for full qualification and selection details.


matching recommendations
Row Colors Legend
no implementation information
NOT Implemented
ID # Year Products Savings Cost Status
AM0529 # 02 Y:2007 02 2007 OPTIMIZE PLANT POWER FACTOR $41,500 $86,400 Implemented
UF0398 # 10 Y:2007 10 2007 OPTIMIZE PLANT POWER FACTOR $209,563 $17,000 Not Implemented
SU0253 # 11 Y:2007 11 2007 OPTIMIZE PLANT POWER FACTOR $15,304 $45,129 Not Implemented
IA0405 # 06 Y:2007 06 2007 OPTIMIZE PLANT POWER FACTOR $4,587 $300 Implemented
AM0528 # 04 Y:2007 04 2007 OPTIMIZE PLANT POWER FACTOR $9,100 $5,920 Implemented
AM0527 # 01 Y:2007 01 2007 OPTIMIZE PLANT POWER FACTOR $33,106 $56,785 Implemented
TT0002 # 03 Y:2007 03 2007 OPTIMIZE PLANT POWER FACTOR $3,500 $8,000 Not Implemented
MA0615 # 09 Y:2007 09 2007 OPTIMIZE PLANT POWER FACTOR $4,673 $18,500 Implemented
UD0758 # 09 Y:2007 09 2007 OPTIMIZE PLANT POWER FACTOR $992 $3,000 Not Implemented
LL0269 # 05 Y:2007 05 2007 OPTIMIZE PLANT POWER FACTOR $8,830 $4,603 Not Implemented
LE0251 # 07 Y:2007 07 2007 OPTIMIZE PLANT POWER FACTOR $3,551 $4,650 Not Implemented
AM0526 # 02 Y:2007 02 2007 OPTIMIZE PLANT POWER FACTOR $15,310 $65,120 Not Implemented
UD0753 # 12 Y:2007 12 2007 OPTIMIZE PLANT POWER FACTOR $864 $9,000 Not Implemented
WV0353 # 09 Y:2007 09 2007 OPTIMIZE PLANT POWER FACTOR $4,799 $17,500 Not Implemented
AM0522 # 03 Y:2007 03 2007 OPTIMIZE PLANT POWER FACTOR $2,200 $6,200 Not Implemented
AM0521 # 10 Y:2007 10 2007 OPTIMIZE PLANT POWER FACTOR $900 $1,620 Not Implemented
UF0394 # 02 Y:2006 02 2006 OPTIMIZE PLANT POWER FACTOR $145,983 $20,000 Not Implemented
UF0393 # 02 Y:2006 02 2006 OPTIMIZE PLANT POWER FACTOR $24,700 $17,000 Not Implemented
TA0130 # 03 Y:2006 03 2006 OPTIMIZE PLANT POWER FACTOR $10,795 $22,000 Implemented
OR0508 # 05 Y:2006 05 2006 OPTIMIZE PLANT POWER FACTOR $18,300 $31,500 Not Implemented
SU0244 # 12 Y:2006 12 2006 OPTIMIZE PLANT POWER FACTOR $11,590 $30,856 Not Implemented
UU0109 # 01 Y:2006 01 2006 OPTIMIZE PLANT POWER FACTOR $1,800 $2,220 Not Implemented
CO0594 # 02 Y:2006 02 2006 OPTIMIZE PLANT POWER FACTOR $4,550 $11,320 Not Implemented
UU0106 # 01 Y:2006 01 2006 OPTIMIZE PLANT POWER FACTOR $19,900 $40,020 Not Implemented
UU0108 # 01 Y:2006 01 2006 OPTIMIZE PLANT POWER FACTOR $3,970 $3,720 Not Implemented