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Implementation Grant Funding Opportunity Open
IMPORTANT: The grant program operates on a rolling basis and applications may be submitted at any time, with quarterly reviews.
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Implementation Grant Funding Opportunity Open
Qualifying* small and medium-sized US manufacturers, that received IAC or Combined Heat and Power Technical Assistance Partnership assessments between 2018 and 2024, can now apply for grants for implementation of assessment recommendations up 50% of qualifying* project costs with a maximum of $300,000 per manufacturer.
IMPORTANT: The grant program now operates on a rolling basis and applications may be submitted at any time through the year, with quarterly reviews.
*See Full Grant Solicitation for full qualification and selection details.


matching assessments
NAICS 33621 Motor Vehicle Body and Trailer Manufacturing
ID Year Products Reccs Plant Energy Costs Recommended Savings
UM0405 2012
UM0405 | 2012
Large automotive assemblies
2 $330,359 $5,849
UM0404 2012
UM0404 | 2012
Large automotive assemblies
4 $242,991 $9,440
IA0477 2012
IA0477 | 2012
Boat Trailers
9 $393,102 $43,570
UA0074 2012
UA0074 | 2012
7 $259,230 $22,235
BD0384 2011
BD0384 | 2011
Sewer cleaners
10 $693,494 $111,857
UA3005 2010
UA3005 | 2010
Truck Bodies
10 $542,441 $217,486
UM0368 2010
UM0368 | 2010
Truck bodies
7 $905,933 $89,436
IA0449 2010
IA0449 | 2010
Truck Bodies
7 $556,135 $39,939
AM0572 2010
AM0572 | 2010
Truck trailers
9 $370,927 $22,765
IA0445 2009
IA0445 | 2009
9 $378,997 $47,903
UM0353 2009
UM0353 | 2009
Fascias and Wheel Liners/Flares
8 $4,639,270 $301,183
BD0364 2009
BD0364 | 2009
Automotive Components
9 $142,879 $40,838
BD0357 2009
BD0357 | 2009
Door Trim Modules
10 $113,551 $14,567
UF0420 2009
UF0420 | 2009
12 $489,372 $179,398
IA0437 2009
IA0437 | 2009
motor Homes
15 $3,223,378 $188,534
WV0388 2009
WV0388 | 2009
Recreational Vehicles
13 $369,427 $82,730
GT0862 2009
GT0862 | 2009
Highway Coaches
7 $223,978 $18,516
IC0134 2007
IC0134 | 2007
Commercial Steering Systems
10 $830,327 $133,322
IC0129 2007
IC0129 | 2007
Manufacture aerial equipment
8 $298,275 $29,221
UD0764 2007
UD0764 | 2007
Laminated fiberglass Truck caps and lids
8 $1,153,534 $202,702
NC0363 2007
NC0363 | 2007
Fiberglass products for automotive industry
8 $1,005,318 $49,343
AM0519 2006
AM0519 | 2006
Enclosed steel trailers
10 $107,776 $21,740
WI0522 2006
WI0522 | 2006
Truck Trailers
7 $831,140 $120,157
BD0311 2006
BD0311 | 2006
Automotive Bumpers
9 $2,896,006 $198,102
BD0309 2006
BD0309 | 2006
9 $339,035 $122,860