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Implementation Grant Funding Opportunity Open
IMPORTANT: The grant program operates on a rolling basis and applications may be submitted at any time, with quarterly reviews.
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Implementation Grant Funding Opportunity Open
Qualifying* small and medium-sized US manufacturers, that received IAC or Combined Heat and Power Technical Assistance Partnership assessments between 2018 and 2024, can now apply for grants for implementation of assessment recommendations up 50% of qualifying* project costs with a maximum of $300,000 per manufacturer.
IMPORTANT: The grant program now operates on a rolling basis and applications may be submitted at any time through the year, with quarterly reviews.
*See Full Grant Solicitation for full qualification and selection details.


matching assessments
NAICS 3261 Plastics Product Manufacturing
ID Year Products Reccs Plant Energy Costs Recommended Savings
LM0065 2004
LM0065 | 2004
Plastic Bags and Film
6 $138,679 $56,886
GT0763 2003
GT0763 | 2003
11 $235,000 $38,654
OK0664 2003
OK0664 | 2003
Vinyl Siding
11 $702,955 $515,554
NC0261 2003
NC0261 | 2003
Plastic bags and sheeting
8 $2,192,568 $457,301
UD0673 2003
UD0673 | 2003
Plastic injection molded parts and tubing
8 $436,523 $42,534
WV0269 2003
WV0269 | 2003
Packaging Material
10 $1,088,012 $99,365
NC0259 2003
NC0259 | 2003
Vinyl siding
11 $1,031,306 $54,350
SD0323 2003
SD0323 | 2003
cable ties
9 $504,813 $159,147
MS0226 2003
MS0226 | 2003
Plastic extrusion and plastic injection molded parts
5 $453,692 $29,818
UD0670 2003
UD0670 | 2003
Plastic Wheel Covers and Bezels
10 $543,911 $32,672
LE0155 2003
LE0155 | 2003
Plactic Bags and Films
10 $308,781 $24,575
UD0669 2003
UD0669 | 2003
plastic pellets
17 $1,736,099 $259,004
AM0438 2003
AM0438 | 2003
Embossed magnetic plastic cards
5 $326,609 $27,110
UM0230 2003
UM0230 | 2003
Plastic Injection molding
6 $684,687 $67,405
AS0352 2003
AS0352 | 2003
Molded Urethane Products
7 $79,193 $52,030
UD0667 2003
UD0667 | 2003
Injection molded parts assembly
7 $224,231 $18,530
AM0433 2003
AM0433 | 2003
Polypropylene film
7 $1,436,039 $249,790
MI0054 2003
MI0054 | 2003
Al and vinyl extrusions,Stnl.steel shapes
8 $113,179 $29,054
UD0666 2003
UD0666 | 2003
Molded plastic parts
16 $179,885 $76,542
UF0318 2003
UF0318 | 2003
Thermoformed Planter and Fabric Structures
12 $737,799 $139,945
WV0259 2003
WV0259 | 2003
Plastic Extrusions
12 $132,904 $42,192
MI0053 2003
MI0053 | 2003
Polypropylene sidings
6 $691,922 $54,639
WV0258 2003
WV0258 | 2003
Plastic laminate
13 $198,757 $36,605
SF0254 2003
SF0254 | 2003
Interior Molding
6 $303,868 $13,789
MA0527 2003
MA0527 | 2003
Plastic trays
10 $443,144 $51,123