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Implementation Grant Funding Opportunity Open
IMPORTANT: The grant program operates on a rolling basis and applications may be submitted at any time, with quarterly reviews.
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Implementation Grant Funding Opportunity Open
Qualifying* small and medium-sized US manufacturers, that received IAC or Combined Heat and Power Technical Assistance Partnership assessments between 2018 and 2024, can now apply for grants for implementation of assessment recommendations up 50% of qualifying* project costs with a maximum of $300,000 per manufacturer.
IMPORTANT: The grant program now operates on a rolling basis and applications may be submitted at any time through the year, with quarterly reviews.
*See Full Grant Solicitation for full qualification and selection details.


matching assessments
NAICS 3339 Other General Purpose Machinery Manufacturing
ID Year Products Reccs Plant Energy Costs Recommended Savings
NC0457 2012
NC0457 | 2012
6 $332,941 $27,998
UA0079 2012
UA0079 | 2012
Pumps and motors
5 $1,004,237 $72,847
AM0610 2012
AM0610 | 2012
8 $170,668 $65,600
BD0409 2012
BD0409 | 2012
Centrifugal pumps
11 $207,014 $40,652
OK0823 2012
OK0823 | 2012
Pipings and tubings
5 $870,067 $167,429
MZ0067 2011
MZ0067 | 2011
electronic/machined units
6 $174,507 $49,787
IA0472 2011
IA0472 | 2011
Hydraulic Cylinders
8 $462,707 $39,348
TT0075 2011
TT0075 | 2011
9 $2,466,663 $264,246
OK0815 2011
OK0815 | 2011
Piston/Gear pump components
9 $1,010,640 $109,512
UA0065 2011
UA0065 | 2011
Fuel Filters
6 $216,620 $18,196
IA0465 2011
IA0465 | 2011
Vertical Turbine Pumps
8 $590,499 $58,849
TT0070 2011
TT0070 | 2011
Conveyor Assemblies
9 $889,165 $51,245
OK0812 2011
OK0812 | 2011
Oil pumps
10 $788,473 $94,458
TT0073 2011
TT0073 | 2011
Air Compressors
1 $1,038,856 $13,566
NC0422 2011
NC0422 | 2011
Gas dispensers
11 $1,353,516 $97,949
OK0805 2011
OK0805 | 2011
4 $3,107,857 $302,966
CO0645 2011
CO0645 | 2011
Conveyors and Conveying Equipment
7 $181,432 $28,120
TT0059 2011
TT0059 | 2011
6 $616,616 $73,400
GT0875 2010
GT0875 | 2010
6 $688,397 $170,127
MI0199 2010
MI0199 | 2010
Gas Welding Equipment
8 $475,839 $121,202
WV0414 2010
WV0414 | 2010
PVC fill media for cooling tower and waste water treatment
14 $394,637 $65,456
OK0794 2010
OK0794 | 2010
Hydraulic Cylinder
9 $239,524 $38,855
UA0054 2010
UA0054 | 2010
forklift component assemblies
7 $2,598,002 $203,508
BD0382 2010
BD0382 | 2010
7 $200,314 $25,605
TT0054 2010
TT0054 | 2010
Air Compressors
6 $1,003,056 $251,490