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Implementation Grant Funding Opportunity Open
IMPORTANT: The grant program operates on a rolling basis and applications may be submitted at any time, with quarterly reviews.
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Implementation Grant Funding Opportunity Open
Qualifying* small and medium-sized US manufacturers, that received IAC or Combined Heat and Power Technical Assistance Partnership assessments between 2018 and 2024, can now apply for grants for implementation of assessment recommendations up 50% of qualifying* project costs with a maximum of $300,000 per manufacturer.
IMPORTANT: The grant program now operates on a rolling basis and applications may be submitted at any time through the year, with quarterly reviews.
*See Full Grant Solicitation for full qualification and selection details.


matching recommendations
Row Colors Legend
no implementation information
NOT Implemented
ID # Year Products Savings Cost Status
WV0580 # 06 Y:2019 06 2019 REPAIR OR REPLACE STEAM TRAPS $1,791 $5,731 Implemented
LE0476 # 02 Y:2019 02 2019 REPAIR OR REPLACE STEAM TRAPS $19,944 $1,143 Implemented
AM0782 # 05 Y:2019 05 2019 REPAIR OR REPLACE STEAM TRAPS $2,970 $188 Implemented
TT0215 # 03 Y:2019 03 2019 REPAIR OR REPLACE STEAM TRAPS $15,764 $1,150 Implemented
WM0130 # 02 Y:2019 02 2019 REPAIR OR REPLACE STEAM TRAPS $15,350 $11,500 Not Implemented
UD0995 # 03 Y:2019 03 2019 REPAIR OR REPLACE STEAM TRAPS $5,974 $1,800 Implemented
WM0126 # 06 Y:2018 06 2018 REPAIR OR REPLACE STEAM TRAPS $7,154 $6,480 Implemented
NC0606 # 08 Y:2018 08 2018 REPAIR OR REPLACE STEAM TRAPS $11,945 $10,500 Implemented
WM0116 # 07 Y:2018 07 2018 REPAIR OR REPLACE STEAM TRAPS $1,678 $3,960 Implemented
TT0199 # 02 Y:2017 02 2017 REPAIR OR REPLACE STEAM TRAPS $14,682 $4,830 Not Implemented
AM0734 # 01 Y:2017 01 2017 REPAIR OR REPLACE STEAM TRAPS $128,600 $21,540 Not Implemented
LE0438 # 02 Y:2017 02 2017 REPAIR OR REPLACE STEAM TRAPS $47,084 $4,750 Implemented
AM0731 # 04 Y:2017 04 2017 REPAIR OR REPLACE STEAM TRAPS $1,470 $180 Not Implemented
UD0967 # 03 Y:2017 03 2017 REPAIR OR REPLACE STEAM TRAPS $3,938 $7,676 Implemented
NC0579 # 10 Y:2016 10 2016 REPAIR OR REPLACE STEAM TRAPS $7,750 $8,500 Implemented
NC0576 # 02 Y:2016 02 2016 REPAIR OR REPLACE STEAM TRAPS $108,434 $80,000 Implemented
NC0574 # 05 Y:2016 05 2016 REPAIR OR REPLACE STEAM TRAPS $11,171 $2,250 Not Implemented
BS0074 # 04 Y:2016 04 2016 REPAIR OR REPLACE STEAM TRAPS $2,326 $5,073 Implemented
AM0709 # 03 Y:2016 03 2016 REPAIR OR REPLACE STEAM TRAPS $3,460 $40 Not Implemented
BS0070 # 01 Y:2016 01 2016 REPAIR OR REPLACE STEAM TRAPS $13,590 $12,584 Implemented
AM0701 # 01 Y:2016 01 2016 REPAIR OR REPLACE STEAM TRAPS $515,000 $75,000 Implemented
WV0518 # 06 Y:2016 06 2016 REPAIR OR REPLACE STEAM TRAPS $6,437 $7,861 Implemented
AM0698 # 06 Y:2016 06 2016 REPAIR OR REPLACE STEAM TRAPS $647 $520 Not Implemented
LE0408 # 02 Y:2016 02 2016 REPAIR OR REPLACE STEAM TRAPS $28,076 $1,125 Implemented
BD0473 # 01 Y:2016 01 2016 REPAIR OR REPLACE STEAM TRAPS $80,322 $10,300 Implemented