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Implementation Grant Funding Opportunity Open
IMPORTANT: The grant program operates on a rolling basis and applications may be submitted at any time, with quarterly reviews.
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Implementation Grant Funding Opportunity Open
Qualifying* small and medium-sized US manufacturers, that received IAC or Combined Heat and Power Technical Assistance Partnership assessments between 2018 and 2024, can now apply for grants for implementation of assessment recommendations up 50% of qualifying* project costs with a maximum of $300,000 per manufacturer.
IMPORTANT: The grant program now operates on a rolling basis and applications may be submitted at any time through the year, with quarterly reviews.
*See Full Grant Solicitation for full qualification and selection details.


matching assessments
SIC 332 Iron And Steel Foundries
ID Year Products Reccs Plant Energy Costs Recommended Savings
UM0326 2007
UM0326 | 2007
Metal Casting
9 $330,792 $52,075
SD0397 2007
SD0397 | 2007
steel precision investment casting
9 $1,065,798 $154,822
UA0004 2007
UA0004 | 2007
Gray and Ductile Iron Castings
11 $2,366,295 $109,579
IC0128 2007
IC0128 | 2007
Grey and ductile iron castings
10 $1,007,964 $242,523
LE0251 2007
LE0251 | 2007
gray and ductile iron casings
10 $398,886 $108,419
BD0317 2007
BD0317 | 2007
engine block
8 $1,557,205 $408,544
OK0740 2007
OK0740 | 2007
Iron castings
3 $362,374 $32,041
SU0242 2006
SU0242 | 2006
Malleable and cast iron pipe fittings
10 $4,988,483 $208,132
UD0749 2006
UD0749 | 2006
Steel Castings
13 $5,824,553 $2,221,943
UM0307 2006
UM0307 | 2006
Ductile Iron Castings
13 $5,063,201 $713,182
OK0730 2006
OK0730 | 2006
Ferrous Castings
7 $266,768 $40,421
LM0118 2006
LM0118 | 2006
sand castings
4 $533,919 $19,575
LE0214 2005
LE0214 | 2005
Gray Iron Casting
6 $1,671,330 $24,521
UM0277 2005
UM0277 | 2005
Steel Castings
4 $748,093 $45,738
LM0091 2005
LM0091 | 2005
Investment castings
7 $97,978 $73,002
UM0268 2004
UM0268 | 2004
Hardening of Automotive Fasteners
2 $335,597 $16,047
LE0197 2004
LE0197 | 2004
Ferrous Jobbing Shop
7 $1,694,719 $455,996
MA0553 2004
MA0553 | 2004
Incestment castings
7 $2,199,879 $74,148
SU0183 2004
SU0183 | 2004
Metal Rings
9 $563,134 $125,493
UD0692 2004
UD0692 | 2004
gray and ductile iron castings
8 $205,939 $67,644
AM0448 2003
AM0448 | 2003
Steel forgings
10 $1,575,174 $1,335,832
IA0331 2003
IA0331 | 2003
Grey and Ductile Iron Castings
15 $2,194,424 $304,977
MS0230 2003
MS0230 | 2003
Investment castings
8 $271,415 $65,712
MA0538 2003
MA0538 | 2003
Stainless steel and high alloy castings
8 $672,889 $253,925
GT0759 2003
GT0759 | 2003
8 $7,220,513 $1,552,145