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Implementation Grant Funding Opportunity Open
IMPORTANT: The grant program operates on a rolling basis and applications may be submitted at any time, with quarterly reviews.
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Implementation Grant Funding Opportunity Open
Qualifying* small and medium-sized US manufacturers, that received IAC or Combined Heat and Power Technical Assistance Partnership assessments between 2018 and 2024, can now apply for grants for implementation of assessment recommendations up 50% of qualifying* project costs with a maximum of $300,000 per manufacturer.
IMPORTANT: The grant program now operates on a rolling basis and applications may be submitted at any time through the year, with quarterly reviews.
*See Full Grant Solicitation for full qualification and selection details.


matching assessments
SIC 332 Iron And Steel Foundries
ID Year Products Reccs Plant Energy Costs Recommended Savings
GT0756 2003
GT0756 | 2003
15 $870,741 $219,457
TA0051 2003
TA0051 | 2003
Investment Casting
5 $616,395 $1,533,338
NC0254 2003
NC0254 | 2003
Cast iron parts for auto industry
10 $4,651,042 $2,366,596
UD0664 2003
UD0664 | 2003
Stainless steel / nickel base pump & valves castings
16 $1,806,933 $320,183
OK0657 2003
OK0657 | 2003
Gray and Ductile Iron
9 $2,215,304 $696,303
IA0312 2003
IA0312 | 2003
Steel castings
7 $2,461,915 $76,649
WI0437 2003
WI0437 | 2003
Iron Castings
5 $2,645,745 $150,146
BD0227 2003
BD0227 | 2003
Gray and Ductile Iron Casting Molds
7 $352,727 $82,140
BD0226 2003
BD0226 | 2003
Gray and Ductile Iron Castings
9 $251,027 $91,868
IC0050 2003
IC0050 | 2003
Iron Castings
8 $238,334 $76,663
BD0219 2002
BD0219 | 2002
Steel Castings
11 $691,833 $47,653
IC0048 2002
IC0048 | 2002
Iron Castings
9 $3,584,574 $1,309,920
IC0047 2002
IC0047 | 2002
Metal Bars, Joists and Other Assorted Shapes
6 $-254,857 $4,815
IA0290 2002
IA0290 | 2002
Grey iron and ductile iron castings
7 $12,692,265 $130,426
IC0032 2002
IC0032 | 2002
Grey and ductile iron castings
9 $4,851,563 $300,111
SF0234 2002
SF0234 | 2002
Metal Products
8 $534,625 $63,010
LE0131 2002
LE0131 | 2002
Investment Castings
5 $618,194 $31,661
IC0031 2002
IC0031 | 2002
Grey and ductile iron castings
10 $1,028,143 $237,539
WI0408 2001
WI0408 | 2001
Steel Casting
8 $3,168,800 $137,625
OK0630 2001
OK0630 | 2001
Gray & ductile iron castings
7 $508,713 $180,289
MS0191 2001
MS0191 | 2001
Low-Alloy Steel Castings
8 $1,466,614 $136,676
IA0282 2001
IA0282 | 2001
Gray and ductile iron castings
9 $576,433 $68,068
MA0498 2001
MA0498 | 2001
Stainless steel and high alloy castings
8 $810,759 $64,949
OR0397 2001
OR0397 | 2001
Steel Castings
5 $549,250 $26,355
OK0623 2001
OK0623 | 2001
Casting Parts
11 $429,120 $203,523